Chapter 12. Angelic Revelation

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When their abductor finally left, Elliana focused her attention on reading the paper contract, completely disregarding Ann's presence. Ann eyed Elliana's wings with suspicion, her curiosity getting the better of her. "What the heck is that?"

"They want me to perform at several events," Elliana replied, her gaze still fixed on the paper. "Well, I suppose it's typical of humans to resort to manipulation rather than seeking understanding. Oh well... I'll just say what they want to hear." With that, she ran her index finger along the sharp edge of the paper, inadvertently cutting herself.

"Careful!" Ann cringed, watching as Elliana pressed her blood-soaked fingerprint onto the paper.

"It's okay," Elliana reassured her with a smile. "Like I said, humans -"

"Wait a minute," Ann interrupted. "What's happening here? How is your magic still working despite the copper cuffs?"

Elliana gave her a perplexed look. Then an epiphany sparked in her eyes. "You're absolutely right! How did I not notice this before?!"

Ann snapped her fingers, trying to bring herself back to focus. "Please, explain. I'm utterly puzzled."

"Alright." Elliana placed the signed contract on the ground and raised her palms as if examining them. "To perform magic, you must draw it through your fingertips to channel it. When channeling, you utilize your energy, whether it originates from your body, heart, or mind."

"I understand that part. But you -"

"I'm getting to that," Elliana said, her voice calm and composed. "You see, all magic stems from the Divine source. These copper cuffs block access to that source in your world. However, it's possible that my energy is connected to my own dimension, so the blockage doesn't affect me in this realm."

Ann regarded her with uncertainty. "So it's true. You're not from here."

"Yes, that's correct. My realm exists on a higher plane than yours."

"I can't believe you're an actual angel."

"Well... that's what you humans call us," Elliana explained, flapping her wings gently as she spoke. "These wings were bestowed upon me when I took on the role of a guardian for humans. They serve as a means of convenience, allowing me to travel across my world and be closer to my assigned individual when necessary."

"What do you mean by 'closer?' Are you following our people around like a stalker?"

"Oh, nothing like that." Elliana chuckled. "Our world exists on the same planet as yours, but in a different parallel. It's like another layer of reality. We have cities and towns in the same locations as yours. However, unlike your guardians, we don't have much work to do because our civilization has evolved to a point where cruelty is virtually nonexistent.

"Instead, we connect with individuals from different realms on a spiritual level, and we can sense you. We stand by your side when you need it the most. But we can't physically touch you. If necessary, we can observe you through special crystal balls and whisper words of guidance into your ears..."

"Like... your conscience," Ann mused.

"Or like your inner voice."

"So, you're always there when we're struggling."

Elliana nodded. "We do our best to guide and protect people. However, everyone has their own path, and sometimes they come to crossroads where they face grave danger. And despite all our warnings, they choose to confront it."

Ann went silent, absorbing the information. She was still processing everything Elliana had revealed, but there was one burning question that only this angel could answer. And now, she had a rare opportunity to ask. "Did you warn my mother on the day she died?"

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