Chapter 16. An Invitation

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Warm daylight flooded the small classroom, casting a comforting glow. Ann was taken aback by the modest size of their art therapy class - it seemed that not many people shared her desire to delve into this particular aspect of art. And truth be told, she was relieved. Ann despised large crowds where she often was overshadowed by boisterous individuals. But here, she could easily catch the teacher's attention and connect with her fellow students. Ann was certain she would enjoy her studying journey. Moreover, this was her final class for the day, and she looked forward to returning home to see Theo.

Her heart fluttered at the mere thought of him, and a pleasant warmth spread through her belly, reminiscent of their passionate night together. Being with him in bed appeared to be an exhilarating journey. Ann was happy about choosing Theo as her lover - he had made her first sexual experience a truly pleasurable one. With his care and attention, she had experienced minimal discomfort during their intercourse. Though her leg muscles still ached from their endeavors, she knew the discomfort would fade away, just like any misunderstandings between them.

Ann tugged at the sleeve of her sweater, revealing her Calling crystal. This morning, Theo had skillfully repaired her bracelet, utilizing his Fire Gift to melt the metal and seamlessly reattach the broken chain pieces. It now looked even better than before, and Ann was thrilled to have it back in working order.

More than anything, Ann longed to call her friend Marie and share every intimate detail. However, she hesitated, knowing Marie's tendency to speak candidly and loudly. The last thing she wanted was for the entire college to be privy to her sex life. Besides, it was only Wednesday, and Marie was likely preoccupied with her first few days of teaching. It wouldn't be fair to distract her during such a hectic week.

"I'll give you a call later this week," Ann promised. "It will be when we can both relax and truly enjoy our conversation."

Just then, Charlie entered the classroom, his face beaming with a wide grin. "Hey there! I'm so relieved to see you're alright."

Ann quickly rolled down her sleeve, concealing her crystal, and returned his smile. "Thank you. Theo mentioned that you helped him a great deal. If it weren't for you -"

"Oh, no need to thank me. Your boyfriend found me on his own while I was hiding at home. He managed to track down the carriage because I had made a drawing to cope with my stress!" Taking a seat beside her, he pulled out a hefty study book from his backpack. "Turns out, your therapy method really works."

"It's not really my method. It was a scientist who discovered the healing power of explicit art. But it resonates with me, so I found it handy."

Charlie gave her a playful look. "Well, I guess I'll use it often. Because being your friend is quite the rollercoaster."

Ann laughed. "I'll do my best not to cause any trouble in the future, I promise."

"I wish I could believe that," he replied, teasingly, before shifting the topic. "You know what? I have a fantastic idea for this Friday night, if you don't already have plans."

Ann leaned in closer. "I haven't thought about it yet. As you know, I'm new to this city and eager to explore. What is it? An exhibition?"

"Something better." Charlie's smile widened as he pulled out a purple envelope from his backpack, waving it before her eyes. "I have four invitation tickets to an exclusive, closed show!"

Her eyes widened in surprise. "I had no idea you had connections to score something like that!"

"I don't," Charlie admitted, his cheeks turning slightly pink. "Honestly, I just won them in a cafe raffle this morning. They held it as a way to make up for the inconvenience we experienced yesterday. And I don't think it's anything extravagant. Most likely, it'll be some performance by drama class students."

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