Chapter 18. A Role

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The lights in the hallroom dimmed, signaling that the show was about to begin. Ann picked up the plate of snacks and gave Charlie an encouraging look. "Remember, women like brave guys, so act accordingly."

"I'll try," he grumbled, grabbing the tray with four glasses of fruit punch. "Let's go now."

Nodding, Ann made her way to the table where Theo and Marci were already waiting. She placed the plate in the center, ensuring everyone could reach it.

"Thank you," Marci said, casting a sly glance at Ann.

Ann shifted her gaze to Theo, who rubbed his nose, refusing to meet her gaze. Something's going on here, she realized. But what?

She was about to voice her question, but the violins suddenly played loudly, cutting off her attempt. The heavy purple curtain began to rise, revealing a mist-covered stage. A woman sat on the stage floor, dressed in white. She flapped her wings, dispersing the fog.

Elliana! Ann's eyes widened as she watched the show unfold. While she wasn't particularly fond of the idea of forcing her guardian angel to perform, she couldn't help but be curious about what Elliana would say. If Ann were in her place, she would seize this opportunity to address something important, confident that her words would be heard.

Elliana stood up, her eyes still blurry as if she had just awakened from a deep slumber. "Where am I?" she asked, addressing the audience.

Chuckles, whistles, and laughter filled the room. "You're in the theater!" someone shouted. "Sober up!"

"The theater, huh?" Elliana smiled at the person who responded. "I know that. And you're right. I woke up today and realized that my whole life is theater. Day by day, I wear my mask and play this role. The role of a kind and obedient daughter. And soon, I'll have to master yet another role. The role of a wife."

As Elliana paused, the audience fell silent, captivated by what would come next. Ann's heart pounded, her curiosity about the intentions behind this speech rising. What did she want to tell these students?

Elliana gracefully walked across the stage, her wings fluttering with each step. "Honestly, I've been preparing for this role my entire life," she began. "From the moments when I played with dolls." She let out a loud exhale, evoking a nostalgic atmosphere. "I was never too skilled with them, I'm afraid. I broke a few arms, and there was the occasional decapitation incident. It happened during a brushing mishap with my friend's doll." She waved her hands dismissively. "But I suppose children are easier to handle, right?"

Laughter rippled through the room, and all eyes were now fixed on Elliana.

"I mean... There are no angels among us!" she exclaimed, flapping her wings. "Everyone makes mistakes, don't they?"

"Absolutely!" a male voice chimed in.

Elliana nodded. "I hope you haven't decapitated anyone, young man."

The room erupted in another wave of laughter as Elliana continued her speech. "But in all seriousness, I'm just a woman. I work tirelessly, and everyone sees me as this saintly figure. It's all because I strive not to disappoint those who rely on me. I put in the effort to meet their expectations." She let out a heavy sigh. "But deep down, I'm so fucking terrified!"

"Did she just say the 'F' word?" Theo asked, clearly taken aback.

Ann shrugged. "I suppose it's part of her act."

The people at the table to their left shushed them, prompting Ann to fall silent.

Meanwhile, Elliana continued with her speech, keeping the momentum going. "I'm afraid that one day, I won't be able to handle the pressure and end up letting everyone down. What if I make a mistake and someone gets hurt? And I'm not just talking about accidentally decapitating dolls. I mean... What if I disappoint my future husband? My kids? My parents?" She walked along the stage, making eye contact with various individuals. "This is what terrifies me the most. It's as if my entire life is scripted by someone who knows exactly how a woman's life should be. And if I take a wrong step, I'll let down everyone around me!" She scanned the room. "Does anyone else ever feel this way?"

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