Chapter 11. More Than Life

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Ann opened her eyes and blinked, adjusting to the dim lighting. She found herself lying on the floor of an abandoned basement, her wrists throbbing with pain. As she shifted her body into a seated position, the chains attached to the cuffs on her hands and feet clunk, sending shivers down her spine. These were power cuffs made of copper, designed to block her magic channels.

The last thing Ann could recall was being at the cafe, surrounded by clouds of mist that had caused her to drift off to sleep. And then there was Theo. The mere thought of him caused a sharp ache in her chest. We really broke up, she realized. Theo finally admitted to lying throughout their entire relationship, and now it was over.

And I believed him! Tears streamed down her cheeks as she silently wept.

"Please, don't cry!" a soft female voice emerged from the shadows, causing Ann to shudder.

She blinked rapidly, attempting to wipe away the tears and focus on the silhouette speaking to her. "Who are you?" she managed to ask.

"My name is Elliana," came the response, accompanied by the clunking of chains as the stranger moved in the darkness.

"Ann," she introduced herself, her voice trailing off as uncertainty filled the air. The other woman was also chained, indicating she was likely another victim. This wasn't the time for casual conversation, like asking 'Hey. How long have you been cuffed in this room?'

To Ann's relief, Elliana spoke up first. "We were both at the same cafe when it happened."

"The same cafe," Ann repeated. It was likely they were dealing with kidnappers. But for what reason they abducted us? She could only speculate.

"I'm afraid I was their intended target. You were taken by mistake," Elliana whispered. "But now your life is in danger too."

"Why did they need you in the first place?"

Elliana's chains clunked once more as she moved closer to Ann. The beam of light from the dirty basement window illuminated her face, and Ann immediately recognized her. No freaking way! It was the same woman she had encountered at Theo's house the previous night, and then again at the cafe. Ann had noticed that Elliana had a peculiar fondness for wearing her clothes, which warranted a remark.

"I hope you won't ruin my dress," Ann said, her voice tinged with annoyance. "It's quite expensive."

Elliana gave her an apologetic look. "I understand you're angry with me, but please, give me a chance to explain everything."

Ann let out a weary sigh. "Well... I'm not going anywhere, apparently. So, shoot."

"Okay," Elliana began. "I've been under Theo's protection all this time. I had to borrow your clothes, and I'm truly sorry about that. But there's nothing romantic going on between us, I assure you. Theo's work was to be my protector!"

"So it was just work?!" Ann narrowed her eyes in disbelief. "That doesn't make any sense."

"It does. And Theo... He loves you."

"Ah, that's why he dumped me!" Ann snapped. She was teetering on the edge of another emotional breakdown, but she knew she couldn't afford it. Not in this situation.

"Everything he did was for your safety. He didn't want to put you in danger," Elliana explained.

"And yet, here I am." Ann frowned at her handcuffed hands. "Safe and sound!"

Elliana shook her head with regret. "I know. He can be such a stubborn donkey!"

Ann couldn't help but chuckle, finding solace in the fact that someone else understood Theo's character as well as she did. "Yes, sometimes he's unbearable. And once he decides something, there's no turning back."

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