Chapter 10. A Top Priority

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In the hospital, Theo stood by the window, gazing out at the sunset sky. The curtains fluttered against the windowsill, resembling giant swan wings, a stark reminder of his recent failure. He had lost both the angel and Ann during the attack on the student cafe, all because of his own foolishness.

Convincing Elliana to sneak away from home had been a terrible idea. Perhaps, someone had discovered the angel was no longer under protection. So they seized the opportunity to abduct her. That was the conclusion Theo had managed to piece together thus far.

About an hour ago, Theo had awoken in this hospital ward, only to find himself locked inside. The Special Division men stationed outside the doors were adamant about not letting him leave. It was understandable, considering he had disregarded a direct order from the colonel when he attempted to send Elliana home without permission. However, the men had taken the time to speak with Theo, shedding some light on the events that had unfolded.

As they explained, the criminals had infiltrated the cafe using sleeping gas, then took Elliana. It seemed they had become confused, mistaking her for one of the two blond women present. After all, Elliana did not possess any wings. Consequently, they had taken both women. Theo had no clue about Ann's fate, and the mere thought of her filled his heart with anguish. Based on his past experiences, he knew that the abductors preferred to eliminate any witnesses. And I promised Ann she would be safe, he thought with regret.

Never before had Theo experienced such intense fear. He yearned for Colonel Harrison to arrive and dismiss him for his disobedience, allowing him to escape this wretched hospital and do everything within his power, even the impossible, to rescue the woman he loved. At this moment, his career held no significance. Nothing held much meaning anymore, except for her life.

The door creaked open, and Theo turned his attention towards it. Colonel Harrison entered, his sorrowful gaze fixed upon Theo, causing his heart to race. If you tell me something tragic has happened to Ann, I will never forgive myself.

"It's good to see you in good health," the colonel greeted Theo.

"Thank you, sir," Theo replied, taking a deep breath to gather the courage to make a request. "I understand that I'm no longer allowed to participate in this mission. However, I ask you to let me be a part of the search for them."

The colonel scoffed, his tone laced with cynicism. "So, now that your girlfriend is gone, you suddenly care."

Theo's heart sank, his voice barely a whisper. "Is Ann...?" He couldn't bring himself to utter the word 'dead,' leaving his mouth hanging open.

"We don't have that information yet. Our team is doing everything possible to locate her. To locate both of them."

Theo let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. There was still hope, and he clung to it desperately. "Thank you," he managed to say.

The colonel took a seat and fixed Theo with an attentive gaze. "However, Theo, I cannot make any decisions regarding your involvement until I hear your explanation. What happened when you led the object away from your home, evading the guards?"

Theo knew that this question was inevitable. After all, Colonel Harrison was astute, likely having access to various sources of information. Lying to him would only shatter any remaining trust. "I will be honest, sir."

He nodded in approval. "Good. It will save us precious time."

"Last night, I discovered that the angel is actually my girlfriend's guardian angel," Theo explained. "Therefore, it became my responsibility to ensure her safe return to her own dimension."

Colonel Harrison furrowed his gray eyebrow. "Your responsibility was to communicate with the object and provide a report on your findings this morning. It was then my decision to determine the appropriate course of action. Is that clear?"

Theo nodded, acknowledging the colonel's statement. Though he wasn't well-versed in legal matters, he was aware of certain laws that could potentially protect Elliana, despite her non-human nature. "Elliana, the angel you refer to as an 'object,' has her own responsibilities. Her primary duty is to protect Ann, my girlfriend. I couldn't jeopardize the angel's life by surrendering her. Without a guardian angel, Ann's life would also be in danger."

"And that's why you brought them both to the cafe where they were abducted."

Theo let out a sigh. "I only intended to approach Ann... to discuss how to help Elliana return to her realm. I didn't anticipate the complications that arose. It was entirely my fault, and I am prepared to accept any punishment that comes my way."

"Wait a moment." Colonel Harrison raised his hand. "Why did you choose to go to the cafe? Couldn't you have invited Ann to your home and allowed her to utilize her abilities in the safety of your backyard?"

Theo blinked, surprised by the colonel's knowledge. "So, you are aware of Ann's Gift."

"There was a peculiar weather disturbance when the winged woman appeared, and it happened to coincide with your girlfriend's ability to manipulate the weather. I simply connected the dots."

"Yes, that's correct. Ann somehow weakened the barrier between realms, and we needed her to replicate it."

"Alright, I understand that part," the colonel said, his gaze fixed on Theo. "But why did you choose the cafe?"

Theo turned his attention to the window, unable to meet the colonel's eyes. "Ann and I had a disagreement. She left after an encounter with Elliana, and we didn't see each other until this morning. I saw this as an opportunity to create a chance for Elliana to depart."

"I still don't comprehend."

Theo gave him a sorrowful look. "I intentionally tried to provoke Ann. The last time the portal opened, she was angry."

Colonel Harrison's eyes narrowed. "Are you saying... you deliberately put your relationship under stress just to assist that angel?"

"I saw an opportunity and took it," Theo replied. The truth was that the situation was far more complex, but he didn't feel the need to divulge all the intricacies of his emotional turmoil to the colonel. "As I mentioned before, ensuring Ann's safety is my utmost priority, even if it means she despises me for the choices I've made."

"Alright, I've heard everything I needed," the colonel stated, rising from his chair. Making his way towards the door, he left Theo bewildered. Just as he reached the threshold, the colonel glanced back. "Are you coming with me or not?"

Without a second thought, Theo hurriedly followed after him.

~ • ~ ☆ ~ • ~ ☆ ~ • ~ ☆ ~ • ~

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