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Harry felt like he was on the verge of unconsciousness when his body was so relaxed. He had never known such well-being and it was Lord Voldemort who gave it to him. In fact, he had probably gone crazy. Or he was dead, your choice. Except that in the second case, if this was his hell, he might well wonder what the entity that had plunged him into it was thinking. He groaned when "the man" moved him and spooned him. Feeling his enemy at his back should panic him, but nothing disturbed his blissful beast. Harry also appreciated being covered, now that he was a little colder.


-Tomorrow, when you will be more functional and so will I.

The severity of Voldemort's voice should have scared him too, right? Nothing. He just sighed and fell asleep, too weak against the endorphins, plus the lack of food and sleep he had experienced the last week.

Still awake for his part, Tom was still thinking about the repercussions that weighed on him. Potter seemed very lucky to be able to fall asleep as if nothing had happened. Probably because it wasn't him who drank sperm like the most delicious food in this world. Tom wanted to massage his bald head and hiss in displeasure. Except that disturbing his food in his sleep would do him a disservice at one point or another.

What could he possibly do to fix the situation? He couldn't stop being what he had become. Besides, the way in which he had understood the thing still sickened him. Pettigrew was still half dead in a dungeon and the thought was not enough to calm him. He would kill this brood in due time. Tom didn't know when he found Morpheus too, only to wake up at dawn with such violent stomach cramps... Well, three wasn't enough. It had to be said that he was just starting to eat properly for his body. Tom felt his magic fighting against him, ready to collapse if he didn't give her exactly what she wanted. What the creature inside him wanted.

Tom stood up, realizing that his prey had not escaped him during the night. He rolled Potter onto his back and slid between his thighs. Leaning down, he still found the scent of sex on the teen's soft skin. His meal. His tongue was past his lips before he even thought about it and he licked around the navel, then lower and lower. Tickling too much as Potter woke up and made a shocked sound when he saw him there again, on top of him. Tom could have laughed at this but hunger clouded his reason, his fingers came to massage Potter's inner thighs.

-Voldemort, this…

Tom interrupted, he wanted her cries of pleasure. When the seed slid down his throat, he felt whole.

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