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Tom looked around the ministry hall, finding it in an amusing state. The statue of the fountain had been shattered, the chimneys were blocked, bodies covered certain surfaces, flat or not. The best, Rufus Scrimgeour and Cornelius Fudge in front of him, on their knees. The first looked at him with anger and hatred. The second looked at the ground, trembling. Tom wondered furtively if he was praying for his miserable life. But something else caught his attention, a laugh from Bellatrix and he turned towards the source to see his prey, sitting on his throne, even more prettily decorated by a Bella absolutely delighted to please her prince. Harry looked at her with a disillusioned look, a thin smile on his face. Tom then noticed that the Death Eater wore a neon pink bow in her hair and that she seemed to wear it with pride. He didn't even want to know why she had allowed her food to treat her like a dog. If it made them happy, after all... He ignored his growing jealousy, he was still waiting for people.

Because a good part of the Aurors had been absent, due to the diversion he had chosen to make. He had wanted to have the ministry and defend it against this magical police and above all to have to kill as few of them as possible. That there were ultimately only ten deaths was rather an achievement on their part when the desire to take revenge for decades of mockery and humiliation. His Death Eaters were waiting near the entrance, they would have no choice but to apparate or go to the phone booth.

Potter became a Death Eater...
Tom returned to Scrimgeour, Fudge would not have the courage to speak. The other people still present during the attack were unconscious and tied up behind the wand control counter. The man dared to look at his food with hatred.

No way. He is my prisoner.
As he chats with this…
He knows how to be loved. But that doesn't change his position. If I have to submit it again, I will. He knows very well that he cannot resist me, he has learned very well.
Last night alone, Harry had had his lesson. Trying to give him orders, well... He was the incubus, yes, but he was also the dominant one. What he had carefully reminded his prey with this spanking he had given him.

What did you do to him?
Tom smiled a smile that split his serpentine face. His monster-like appearance gave the minister a shiver.

Harry, come here.
He immediately felt his prey's displeasure in the bond, yet Tom knew he would play along. Harry got off his throne, flushed from the plug rubbing inside him. He stopped nearby and Tom pulled him into his black robes. Then, after an amused look at Scrimgeour, he voraciously kissed his food which melted against him. The minister's gasp of disgust assured him that he was going to torture him in the minutes to come


Cuddling Harry in front of an audience was quite strange to him but rather amusing because of his mate's discomfort in the bond. Tom sat on the throne, Harry on his lap, the two ministers still at his feet. Scrimgeour's deep disgust was still visible on his face, accompanied by a pity that the demon wanted to reduce to nothing. The wait was starting to get long, okay, it hadn't even been half an hour but patience and Tom, that was two except when it came to his prey. Who squirmed once again on his knees. He whispered in her ear in their language.

Be careful, I'm going to end up believing that you want me to remove it in front of everyone.
Do this and I swear you will fast for at least one night...
Tom sneered at the threat, nonetheless taking it seriously. One night it didn't seem like much, but he was too used to eating more than he needed to think about going without his food for that long. Although he would never have let anyone see that anyway, the idea that someone could desire their mate... He would kill before even thinking.

Oh, it’s happening!
Tom looked up at Bellatrix's jubilation. Yes, the cabin was going down and two Aurors had just apparated into the hall. They were overpowered in seconds and the incubus placed his prey back on the throne to prepare for the second part of his plan. A new surge of spells took place, breaking columns and chimneys. Tom made sure the right person escaped, taking care of his colleague who was doing his best to be up to a duel against him. Kingsley Shacklebolt was a truly good asset, and his bloodline was valuable. Definitely not a man who should be killed, simply subjugated. Which he did by lacerating his chest because still... There was no reason for him to do this without pain.

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