Chapter 15: The Solstice Ball

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The line began to move. One by one each Lady is announced, descends the stairs into the ball room, and is asked the first dance. When it is my turn only Drazhan is waiting at the bottom.

"Crown Queen of Sylvain."

Everyone's eyes turn up to me. I know that Drazhan is waiting for Kallistê. He might be polite and ask me to dance the first dance with him, but I cannot take that away from her.

I walk down the stairs as slowly as possible and scan the room looking for someone within a partner to no avail.

Why me? Why now? Laurent thank goodness.

Laurent had left Nesta and pushed through the crowd.

"May I have this dance?"

"Yes, you may."

We take a few steps back and watch Kallistê descend. Once she and Drazhan take their place in the center of the Ballroom the music starts to play, and everyone begins to dance.

"Thank you."

"Father didn't want me to wait for you at first, but once he saw that Drazhan would be the only one left he sent me."

"Well then, send your father my thanks as well."

"He will likely want a dance with you, so you may thank him yourself."


"Father would have spoken to you before, but he was preoccupied."

Laurent spins me out and pulls me back in.

"Your wearing your colors I see. They suit you well."

"Quite the Mensch today."

He only smirks and shakes his head.

"I believe that Nesta was trying to tell me something earlier. Do you know what that might be?"

"No, I'm sorry I have no clue. Perhaps Kallistê knows, but good luck talking to her tonight."

"Well, I will just have to try and ask Nesta herself then."

"You might not get a chance. With all the dances and excitement she will probably have gone to sleep before you get a chance to ask her."

"Then, I shall just ask her tomorrow."

"You'll have even less time after tonight."


"The wedding will be announced. Preparations for the wedding will begin."

"And I will be included?"

"You will be family. Not to mention all the women contribute."

"All the women?"

"Yes, maids and all. They take turns doing their normal work and preparing for the wedding."

"I feel bad. Two weddings in a row."

"Why it is their job? Would you like something to drink? I'm parched."

Laurent leaves before I can give my answer. Before he returns someone taps me on the shoulder. I spin around to find Octavian.

"May I have this dance?"

"You may."

"I thank you for wearing your own colors."

"I should be thanking you for paying for them. And for allowing Laurent for saving me."

"You were willing to marry Laurent. With your union you will pay me back tenfold, I'm sure."

Octavian uses the same tactic as his son to change the subject.

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