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Then Hamza points a gun at Ayan to shoot him ......

Yn: stop please .

Hamza: so.... whom should I shoot first??? You( pointing at Ayan) or you ( pointing at Saad)

Yn: shoot me ....... and please leave them ....

Hamza: why should I leave them ?? Finally I trapped my enemy in my cage......

Yn: what does he did to you??

Hamza: what does he do to me ??? Are you asking what they did to me ??? Huh.......

Ayan: yes what did I do to you ?? Why are you considering me as your enemy??

Hamza: wow ...... you don't even know what you did what your dad did to me.... to us ???

Ayan: I don't remember anything I did to you ..... Then what ??

Hamza: if I tell you you don't believe me ....

Ayan: tell me ...

Yn: tell we'll listen......

Hamza: ok if you want to know then listen... you didn't but your dad did ..... He ruined my life .... Our life.....

Ayan: what ???? My dad ??? Huh he would never do anything wrong.....

Hamza: I know you don't believe me that's why i didn't want to tell you....

Yn: I'm listening..... tell me .

Ayan: what are you saying??? He talks nonsense about my dad and you're listening to him .....

Yn: you don't even listen.... We should have listened to him..... Maybe he has some Stories.

Ayan: wahhh I can't believe.... I shouldn't have come here to save you .....

Yn: i didn't tell you to come.....

Ayan: I haven't seen such an ungrateful human being in my whole life...

Yn: thanks to me you can see now ....

Ayan: I can't believe.......
( Said unexpectedly)

Hamza: stop your bickering .....

Yn: ok....ok now tell me what's your story ....

Hamza: so when my dad works at his dad's company he's a very loyal worker there ... He worked very hard .....

But one day suddenly his dad fired him . And didn't even tell why he's being fired....
And not even fired him . They arrange that he never find any jobs.

And our life becomes hell.... We lost our house, I lost my childhood... And my dad lost his life........

Then he breakdown crying.....

Yn: don't cry ...... (Console him)

Ayan: it's very sad what happened to you but there must be a reason for him to do that .

Hamza: what reason??? And why didn't he tell us ??

Ayan: I don't know but I promise I'll find out the truth....

Hamza: if you find out the truth then .......
after that can you bring back my childhood.....My nightmare .... Our worst life phase.... Can you???

Yn: we can't imagine what you have gone through..... But trust me we can do good in the future and do better....

Hamza: I don't want my future better I want my revenge.....

Saad: I can't understand if you have a problem with boss's dad then why did you kidnapped yn ???

Hamza: because that fraud man's life is his son And his life is yn..... That's why I kidnapped yn to trap him....

Ayan: what are you saying??why would she be my life ?? I didn't even know her until we met 2 days before.....

Hamza: wow you didn't even remember her....
Yn you still want to save him ???

Yn didn't say anything stay silent....

Ayan: why don't you say anything......say something yn .....

Hamza: if you don't want to say then I'll tell him what you did for him......

Yn: no don't...... Please

Hamza: why ?? He doesn't remember you.... he doesn't remember what you did for him .... And now you don't want to tell him.....

Yn stay silent.......

Ayan: what do you want to tell me ?? What are you saying? Can someone please tell me what actually happened here .....

Yn: nothing you don't have to know ...

Hamza: no yn no he should know

Yn: please don't say anything......

Ayan: stop yn ..... And Hamza please tell me what happened..... Actually I had an accident so I don't remember anything that happened to me in those days.... So please tell me what happened.

Hamza: you remember the accident but not what happened to you after that ??

Ayan: yes I don't know what happened to me after that......

Hamza: ok so listen.....

Someone Shoot a gun short......

Who shot the gun ?? What happened to them ??

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Please forgive me for late updates..... You know my exams are coming so please understand 🤧🤞

Thank you so much for reading my FF. I hope you like it 💓