Repairment (Final)// ch 5

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As you see theres Final,no it does not mean its the end,so be kalm xD I just added that cuz its the final part of Repairment! So the font stuff yeh-
*Sound effects*
(Narrator :3)


Tbh dont ask me why Solar literally can make a body in just 3 weeks-


(After surviving 3 weeks without not getting caught by Lunar,Solaris Finally Completed Eclipse's Body! Now.. Its just the clothes)

Solaris:'Hmm.. I dont have any clothes though.. Eclipse's old one is torn out.. How about my Old one?'

(Solaris' Ray Spinned Happily at that idea,He went to the closet and rummage clothes,He better tidy those after hes done..)

Solaris:'I dont think that'll fit.. Its so small..'

(Solaris' rays shrank a bit before having an idea,A great one)

Solaris:'Oh wait! Theres an old sewing machine.. Maybe i can make it bigger?'

(Solaris Jumped happily,before going into action,he has never done sewing before,But he has seen his Creator do it before)

(After awhile)

Solaris'It wasn't hard as i thought! Now it looks cool!'

(As Solaris Held the Big clothes,The Sleeves Having Orange Gradient while the other is purple,The Main Cloth is Both Orange and Maroon,)

(The pants however,was just Purple and Maroon)

Solaris:'I think that'll do!'

Solaris:'Now,I only need to inform Eclipse about this!'

(Solaris happily waddled to Sun's Workshop,Where Eclipse is currently at)



Eclipse:"Wha- what? What now?"

(The small figure happily flapped their arms,What is he saying perhaps?)

Eclipse:"Huh? What do you mean by that, Solaris?"

(Solaris couldn't think of an explanation,Solaris Only Picked up a Random Blueprint,And his old bodyparts..)

(Wait is he actually saying..)

Eclipse:"Is my body done?"

(Solaris Nods as an answer,while dragging him to where his clothes at)

Eclipse:"Oh you also made the clothes?"

(Solaris Nods)

Eclipse:"So how is my 'consiousness' is gonna be transferred there?"

(Solaris,Thought about it,while he shrugged it off)

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