Chapter 6

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It took me roughly about an hour to check through all the inventory paperwork and store room.

"Okay Shelby, great work. Everything looks to be in order as instructed. Thank you for all your hard work."... I give Shelby a wink and she makes a dramatic fake gagging reaction.

"Ew stop, don't use your Luna voice... it's just us in this room."

We laugh as she dodges a roll of gauze I throw at her. "Why does everyone throw shit at me!?"

"Hey at least it wasn't a greasy french fry this time" I chuckle

"Thank god for that...Anyways now that you're FINALLY done, let's go shopping for your dress!" She practically squeals like a true shop-zilla.

Dread hits me like a truck... shopping with Shelby can take HOURS.

"What?! But I don't need a new dress, I have plenty that still fit me?"..

Hands on the hip means war when it comes to shelby... "My Luna will not be wearing her old prom dresses from high school to her first Banquet Ball!"

"But they still fit me?... plus I think they are pretty.."... I slightly mumble knowing I'm going to lose this fight.

"Pretty is for girls... Hot is for women.. And you my dear, need to break out of your shell and finally wear something that shows off those womanly curves"... her eyebrow wiggle has me giggling.

"Not to mention you need to make sure you match Alpha Kent's level of Hot since you will be on his arm all night"... she winks at me.. But her statement makes me suddenly remember what happened at the office this morning with Alpha, and of course Shelby being Ms.observant catches it.

"Spill. What does that face mean?" she points her finger at me.

"Well.."... how do I even start, without making a big deal out of it. I lightly chew on my bottom lip while fidgeting with my moonstone ring.

"Well HELLO!  I'm aging here! Spit. It. Out"...

"Alpha Kent wants me to practice being close with him, something about we have to act like a normal Alpha and Luna... he kissed my hand today and held me close... Also Carrie saw him pull me close when I tried walking away from him. I saw her face Shelby! I'm positive she thinks I'm trying to hook up with her dad now. And I don't know what's wrong with me but being so close to Alpha Kent makes me feel like a blushing school girl and I hate the fact I seem to have zero control over that!"...I get everything out in a rush.

Shelby just smirks at me..  "Girl you need to fuck him already"..

"SHELBY!!!!" I whisper shout as I throw another roll of gauze at her.

"What?... As acting Luna you have every right, not even Carrie could deny that. You even wear Alpha's mark on your neck. Look, I get why you don't want to, because of Carrie and the whole save myself for my mate nonsense... but girl I would have pounced on that quick. So don't go feeling guilty over having some fun with Alpha Daddy"...

I can no longer hold back my  laughter, Shelby loops her arm through mine as we walk together to my car. I'm wiping tears off my face by the time I reach my driver side door.

She really said Alpha Daddy... My god I love her.

I touch my temporary mark along my collar bone....
Alpha doesn't have my mark since this was decided to be only temporary and not permanent. But still, I do wear his mark? So maybe a little flirting with Alpha is okay.

What are you 12... yes it's fine.... Anaka remarks through the mindlink.

Not you too, seriously...

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