Chapter 12

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P.O.V Florence (Flora)

The next day was busy for everyone with the mating event starting in just six days from now. The pressure to have everything done and perfect was weighing me down. Not to mention I wasn't able to see Kent all day as I was called to overlook the finished building meant for the Lycans.

Sean's father gave me the tour himself, pointing out all the details I created in the blueprints and answering my questions. I was so happy with the results, this place looked like a fortress since everything was made to be twice as big, for obvious reasons. Lycan's on average are twice the size of werewolves and even in their human form, I was told they are built bigger.

The doors were twice as big as ours, the halls were wide. The ceilings were so tall, I had mentioned out loud that I felt like I was walking through a castle. Which had Sean's father laughing telling me I'd be shocked once I saw the sleeping arrangements. It was something Alpha Kent had added himself, In the list of supplies needed for the Lycans. Though I didn't have time to over look the changes, but it's Alpha Kent, so I knew there was no need to double check his work.

"Ready Luna?".. Sean asked as he held the doorknob to the first bedroom on the second floor. This floor was bedrooms only, each one having a bathroom attached.

"Yes please lead the way"... I could hardly stand still, I was excited to see everything.

The moment Sean's father opened the door, stepping into the room, I followed. The light from the huge window made it unnecessary to turn on any lights. I was happily stunned, shocked but that quickly turned to confusion and then anger.

"Is that a Dog Bed!?"... Anger causes my voice to shake a little as I point.

It was exactly like a normal sized dog bed you buy for a pet, just massive, probably the size of a king bed. At first glance it does indeed look to be comfortable, no doubt a generous amount of cushion. There is a decent amount of pillows propped up along the back that has a cushioned makeshift headboard. But no comforter? What?...I spot a black chest with leather straps, I open it to find a massive comforter folded inside. I close the chest and scan around the room some more. The chair by the desk was made larger to fit a Lycan comfortably.

  But In the end, I can't seem to get past the fact.... It's a dog bed for them to sleep on. A fucking dog bed.

I glare at Sean's father and he rubs the back of his neck confused.

"Yes I suppose it is, We followed the blueprints and supply list exactly as it was given Luna"... He speaks calmly and I know he's right.

It's not his fault. ... I sigh out loud as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I'm sorry, I am not upset with you. This was Alpha's doing, I just wasn't aware of it."...

Once this tour is done he's going to hear from me about this, I can't believe they are expected to sleep on that. How insulting to the Lycan's!

This is not what I originally wanted, I had put down King size beds, not king size dog beds.

I walk over to the dog bed and am surprised it comes up mid thigh, that's close to the height of a normal bed I suppose. A small wall of cushion lines the edges of the bed, besides the headboard of course, being a lot higher. I reach my hand out and press down on it, testing the way it feels. It's certainly soft, I'll give it that much. Sean's father receives a phone call and steps out of the room to take it.

I shake my head at the sight of the bed and walk over to the door I know should lead to the bathroom.

"Please don't have a dog bowl for water and food".. I mumble to myself, as now I'm not sure what other surprises I may find.

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