Chapter 13

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*** A little Damien aesthetic ***

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*** A little Damien aesthetic ***

Making my way to the spot we like to call 'the dip' never takes long. Main reason being, my parent's house is only a street away from the forest. That's always been incredibly convenient for me.

My feet move on their own knowing exactly where to go while Anaka grows excited with each step. I can picture her bouncing around in excitement, tongue out to the side. She's adorable when she wants to be.

Come on come onnnn walk faster!... Anaka whines.

I'm going I'm going, I still have to talk to Damien, don't worry you will still have your time to run loose and be wild for the night....I chuckle softly to myself.

The different scents throughout the forest triggers so many memories, the only way a certain smell can. The moon is high in the sky and thankfully it's a clear sky tonight.

The spring weather brings so much life to this forest, the lightening bugs make the view incredibly beautiful and magical at night. The owls hoot in the trees, I can hear small creatures scurry away as my footsteps give away my presence.

The grounds are a little soft from the rain that comes with spring. My sandals sink into the softer parts just a bit but I make sure to avoid all the mud, I'd rather not show up covered in mud. Not that Damien would care, if anything he'd get a good laugh out of it.

As I come to the first edge of the dip, I look down and see Damien sitting on a thick tree trunk that's only purpose now is to be used as a bench.

Damien is dressed In basketball shorts only and I have to focus my eyes not to wander down his body. I swear lately I've been a nonstop horny crazed female anytime I'm around the male species and I should feel really embarrassed and ashamed by it. But for some reason, in this moment, I don't feel either. I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing?

Am I secretly a-wanna-be hoe?

I don't want to be weird, I've seen him with his shirt off many times. It's normal for warriors to be shirtless.

Damien looks up, his teeth shine so bright in the moonlight as he smiles up at me. His little wave is adorable and I give my own wave of hello.

"Careful Bee" ... he points to the dirt hill I need to come down.... always looking out for me.

I huff out loud. Oh please this is nothing. I angle my feet just right and crouch slightly as I slide down the dirt. I lean back just enough as gravity is doing most of the work for me.

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