Chapter 9

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P.O.V Florence (Flora)

"Alpha Kent, It's been awhile"..

My hands tightened its grip on the armrest, my claws slowly coming through piercing into the leather. The King's voice had me in a trance, my mind imagining wild things... I wanted to touch myself, to give in to the burning desire I felt building  between my thighs all because of the king's voice. I didn't dare act on it, my chest rose and fell faster and the look Alpha Kent gave me was enough to momentarily snap me out of my daze.

"King Lucien, I must report that a member of my pack was recently given a gift by the Moon Goddess" ... Alpha's eyes never left mine and his nostrils flared slightly.

I crossed my legs in an attempt to chill the growing heat in my lower core, a constant throb remained there. Alpha Kent's eyes roamed my body lingering on my legs. My mind was having a hard time taking control over this sudden craving, this desire that coursed through my veins.

Werewolf hearing easily allowed me to hear that mesmerizing voice once again. And if I'm being honest, every part of me was desperate to hear it once more.

"Interesting... Go on".. The heavy rasp at the end was almost animalistic, almost like a growl. My toes curled inside my boots and I had to look away staring at the baseboard.

What the fuck is wrong with me... I tightened my thighs together and could feel the wetness. I gasped out loud and bit my lower lip holding back a moan. My entire body was burning with desire and I had no way to put it out.

"Excuse me a moment King Lucien"... Alpha Kent sounded tense and almost breathless.

My eyes shot to his, confused and shocked to see those dark green eyes hooded with desire. He put the phone down, and in a blur I felt myself being dragged outside the doors of his office and gently pushed against the wall in the hallway.

"Luna I can smell you and its driving me fucking insane"..

My mind didn't have a chance to collect enough words to speak as in seconds Kent's mouth was on mine. His hands were on my waist pulling my hips into his, his desire for me obvious as it pressed against my stomach. My hands shot up and around his neck pulling him closer to me as his tongue demanded entrance. His hands slid down cupping my ass, and with ease hoisted me up against the wall, my legs automatically wrapped around his waist so that he could grind into my center. The friction immediately made me moan into his mouth, my hands went into his hair giving a slight tug. He growled as he pulled back slightly nipping at my lower lip.

"Luna... as much as I want to continue, we just left the King on hold, no one leaves the king on hold"... Once his words and nervous chuckle registered within my brain it snapped me out of my horny driven daze and fear fell on me like pouring rain.

"Fuck"... I slightly pushed Kent away unwrapping my legs from around him.

Thankfully Kent didn't say anything but instead seemed more eager to get back into the office as he quickly picked up the phone. I sat down in my chair wide eyed and out of breath.

"Forgive me Your Majesty" ... Kent looked nervous.

"Consider yourself lucky that I find myself intrigued by what you need to report little alpha"

The King's power could be felt through the phone.... through the fucking phone. It was almost like static that lashed out all along my skin making every hair stand, I pictured black eyes that held every nightmare I've ever had and worse. I shivered

Alpha Kents eyes locked with mine and I mouthed a quick sorry. His free hand was curled into a fist that turned his knuckles white. But his eyes looked almost young again as if he was silently telling me it's okay. Or maybe that's just what I wanted to think he was telling me.

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