Chapter 7

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After the fiasco only five hours prior, the fire department deemed the house safe and whatever was left of the bed was carefully removed. The room itself just needs a little bit of remodeling, which I promised both Alpha and Carrie that I'd handle everything, since I made the mess. Both tried to reassure me that I didn't need to worry about it, but my persistence won in the end.

Now I'm sitting on Carrie's bed waiting for her to get out of the shower so I can finally talk to her about the office incident and clear up any misunderstandings.

Knock Knock

"Um, come in?'...

Alpha opens the door and scans the room, then looks back into the hall and hears Carrie's choice of music by Dua Lipa on blast while she showers. I fidget with my moonstone ring as I hope to god he doesn't ask me to head to his office, not before I have the chance to speak to Carrie. I need to have this conversation with her now rather than later.

"Flora, when you're done speaking to Carrie, please come to my office. Also, for now until you speak to me first, don't talk about what happened, not even with Carrie. Okay?"... His dark green eyes show worry but also admiration. His gaze is soft and warm, I've always trusted his judgment so doing what he asks of me is never difficult.

"I understand.... Kent".. I hesitated for a second but he caught it.

"It will get easier as time goes on, I promise Flora, see you soon".. With that he softly closes Carrie's bedroom door.

I sigh in relief knowing I don't have to march straight to his office first and postpone my talk with Carrie. I'm also grateful he knows me well enough, to know I'm practically dying to clear the air with my best friend.

Ooo la la... he promises... Anaka playfully remarks

Go hibernate ...I huff back through the link

I'VE BEEN HIBERNATING FOR MONTHS NOW SINCE YOU SEEM TO FORGET ABOUT ME.... she barks back at me with maximum force.

First of all ouch.. And second.. I'm sorry? ... I do truly feel bad, I haven't gone to the woods in a few months to let her out. I've been so consumed with planning this event.

You are so NOT forgiven, not until my paws touch the forest floor again.... Anaka huffs back, officially ending our mindlink convo.

"So damn dramatic I swear".. I say out loud

"Who is?".. Carrie stands in the doorway in casual clothing, she clearly plans to take the day off.

"Anaka, she's mad at me, it's been a hot minute since I've let her out"... I sigh, but not a second later I pat her bed softly, signaling for her to sit down.

Carrie smiles and sits beside me, she seems fine but Carrie is good at hiding her feelings behind that smile.

Don't be a pussy... Anaka pops in and out so quick.



"Sorry, um.. I'm not sure how to start this but please let me try to get it all out before asking questions okay?"..


Here goes nothing... "There's nothing going on between your dad and I. I'm not trying to be your stepmom, I'm just doing what Kent said-"

"So it's Kent now?"... Carrie interrupts real quick and I hear that underlying anger behind her tone.

The Fuck?.... Anaka whispers

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