Chapter 8

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****A little Alpha Kent aesthetic****  

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****A little Alpha Kent aesthetic****  

I decided to walk to Kent's office instead of taking my car. I needed the extra time to think over my dream and calm my nerves, as I attempt to mentally prepare myself for how Alpha Kent is going to react.

He's not the aggressive type, at least never with me, but my gift will ruin whatever peace we've had. And I know that's going to upset him, I mean it even bothers me. I too have worked hard these past few years to keep everything peaceful within the pack.

Before I know it I'm walking up the outside steps, through the dark oak double doors and standing right before Kent's office door.

I know I don't need to knock, but I always have so it feels weird not too. I raise my fist with every intention to knock before I enter but the door opens and there stands a shirtless Alpha Kent with a small towel around his neck. Clearly someone had a morning workout, I can smell his body wash from here. His gray sweatpants hang tempting on his hips, exposing that v-cut all the girls go weak for, me included.

I really did try not to stare but my eyes were moving on their own. For someone 20 years older than me, he doesn't look it. His muscles look as if he was carefully sculpted by the moon goddess herself. A true warrior's body, a perfect tan from hours of training in the sun, built for destruction, but man he sure is-...

His low growl stops my thoughts dead in their tracks, my eyes dart back up to meet dark green, the rumble from his growl was possessive and... sexy.

There's no denying it now, I find this man very attractive. My insides do cartwheels as he crosses his arms across his chest and leans against the door frame. His smirk doing things to my once innocent mind.

Hubba Hubba.... Anaka remarks through the link.

"My Luna never needs to knock, you know that"..

I just stare at him bewildered that this handsome, way out of my league of a man is openly flirting with me. Given, there is no one here this early on a Saturday morning. So this moment thankfully stays between us.

I'm not sure when I became so brave... or stupid.

I take a step closer to his sculpted body, a craving I've never felt before has me placing one hand along his abs and slowly caressing all the way to the hem of his sweatpants. My finger tip lingering along the hem tracing from his left hip bone to the right all the while never breaking eye contact. His approving growl just fueled whatever I was doing.

And just like being dumped in an ice bath the heavy sexual tension was washed away as his hand grabbed mine to stop me from going any further south.

"S-sorry! ... I don't know why... i can't believe i really just...-"... His chuckle stopped my nervous ramble. Heat spread along my face down to my toes.

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