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As we wait for Joey to arrive.

Me and Lilly discuss some things over with Oscar.

"So that was a very close call. You're lucky you weren't caught on camera that wouldn't have ended well." Oscar announced.

"Well she is dead right?" Lilly asked.

"The girl is under a medically induced coma. She had a lot of brain swelling due to the accident." Oscar stated.

"Why put her under a medically induce coma when she pretty much is gonna be a vegetable for the rest of her life?"Lilly questioned.

"A person's brain may swell in case of serious traumatic brain injury (which in this case the plaintiff experienced.) reduces blood flow and oxygen supply, and can damage brain tissue. Inducing a coma may give doctors an opportunity to alleviate the swelling and allow the brain to rest by decreasing the brain's activity." Oscar informed.

"Damn!" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Listen all I'm saying.
You better pray she doesn't have any memory when she wakes up out of that coma cause if not y'all in deep shit." Oscar stated.

"She threatened me.
She put a note on my windshield
She put my life in jeopardy
What else were we supposed to do?
I mean I have actual video footage of everything going down from that day.
She was literally stalking us for crying out loud."I stated.

"This is your story against The plaintiff. You just better make sure your story lines up all together, and you're telling me the whole truth.
If you're not, and you're keeping something from me; it won't end well." Oscar stated.

"Fuck me man this is straight BS so when is court day?... Oh I see it." Lilly said scimming over paperwork.

"Well I will see you in 7 days please stay out of trouble until then don't need anything else added to the case." Oscar pleaded before leaving.

"This day just can't get any fucking better." Lilly stated.

"Lilly just breathe don't I always have your back, your front, and your side?" I ask her.

"Yea." she said un-tensing.

"Then relax sis. Everything will be ok. There's always a Plan A a Plan B and a Plan C, but all falls in line with plan A which is not doing any Jail time, and living your best life In God we trust."I stated.

"You're right. Let me just chill." She calmed down.

Joey pulls up.

We walk over to get in the car

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We walk over to get in the car.

"Hey bae!" I said to Joey.

"Hey babygirl everything ok?" he asked

"Yes everything is ok." I said pecking his lips.

"They can't hold ah sistah down for long." Lilly said.

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