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"Father?" Joey said.

"Don't act so surprised son. I mean I haven't seen you in so long. Why not swing by sit down, and eat with my son; to discuss some things over." Joey's father said.

"Let me get it straight. You were on a business trip, and managed to get here before a waitress can even come with menus." Joey said curious.

"Well son you know that I'm a very busy man, but I take the time out for my family. You, your sister, and brother are the apples to my eye." His father stated.

"Let's be honest. Mom told you I wasn't doing the drop; you figured you pay me a visit to discuss some things over to change my mind. Correct?"
Joey asked.

"Listen here! I understand we have our differences but.. Oh my! Where's my son's manners? I'll do the honors. My name is Michael Bryant and your name? He asked.

"Vicky, but some call me V. I have to step off to the bathroom I'll be back." I said getting up from the table.

"Me too!" Lilly said getting up following behind me.

We head into the bathroom.

Lilly went into the bathroom stall.

"Something feels familiar about that man like I seen him before." I said.

"Where do you remember him from?" Lilly asked.

"At a gathering my father, and mother threw together for one of my birthday parties; he has a daughter I think her name was,... Isabella!" I said.

"I just know that I'm ready to eat some good food, and walk around the resort, and vibe out with yall." Lilly said walking out the stall.

"Girl! Are you even listening?" I asked her.

"Yes! You think you remember him from a birthday party before; he has a daughter ok what are you trying to say?" Lilly asked walking outta the bath stall heading to the sink.

"Idk Lilly, but something just feels off. First his mother pops up in the Bahamas to pay him a visit, and now his father. I mean are they a part of the Mafia, or something? I mean Jesus Christ." I said rubbing my temples

"You wonder why he got so much heat on him? He's the one who got away. He just wants out." Lilly said before drying off her hands.

"I do remember Joey saying that he's just there to talk about the drop, and trying to get him to change his mind, but your man got this. Let them handle this V. No worries." Lilly said holding open the door.

I sighed.

Walking back to the table we noticed that Joey's father had left.

Joey looked angry, and talking things over with Spence.

We approach the table taking our seats.

"Everything ok guys?" I ask them.

"Yes babygirl, Everything's fine. Let's look over the menu. I apologize for the drama with my parents. I promise you baby; you have nothing to worry about." Joey said.

I start looking over the menu.

Lilly doing the same.

"I'm not gonna sit here, and act like every fucking thing is fine bruh. This nigga father sketch. He passes you the keys to the rental car, and says he wants you to make the drop after this trip is over; and if not you'll be sorry with a note attached to the key.
What the note say Joey?" Spence asked.

"What's he talking about J?" I asked confused.

"Wow! For real Spence?" Joey said tossing the menu at Spence.

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