Chapter 2

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             I barely made it to my third period class where I was now sat waiting for our teacher to take attendance. Sign language was my favorite class of the day, considering I actually know what I'm doing in here as opposed to geometry. 

"Adalyn" Mrs. Jefferson spoke in her usual tone glancing around the room. 

This brought my thoughts back to the fact we were short a person. My eyes landed on the empty desk at the opposite corner of the room, I didn't know her but it saddened me knowing she might never occupy that seat again.

"Caleb" Mrs. Jefferson snapped my attention back.

"Here" I grimaced at the slight squeak in my voice as I was not prepared to speak.

The rest of the class was filled with a group activity where we had a conversation only using the ASL we have learned in the class so far. I would like to brag about the fact that I am basically fluent in it now since I took this class last year as well. 

            As I made my way to my least favorite class (geometry) dodging my fellow students in the much too crowded hallway, Jason greeted me by not so gently smacking my shoulder.

"Hey buddy, excited to go mini golfing tomorrow?" 

oh, right I forgot about that "oh yes, I love showing off to a bunch seven-year-olds on the course" I smiled at him as if I meant it.

"You should take those seven-year-olds seriously, they might cause you to go mysteriously missing one day" he gave me a mock worried face before heading off into a classroom door. 

I shook my head grinning at the image of a squad made up of kids charging towards me wielding tiny golf clubs.

            Thankfully Ms. Franks has agreed to let me retake the test from the other day after school. She probably just pitied me for whatever horrible score I got on it the first time around. I was now sat at my usual seat staring at those same questions. 

This time it doesn't look like complete gibberish after my knowledge cramming last night. Though I did spend a little too much time than I liked on one of the word problems, why the hell does Jim even need to know the exact angle of his pizza slice?

"I'm all done. Thanks for letting me give it another go" I handed Ms. Franks my test smiling. 

"No problem Caleb, see you in class tomorrow" she smiled back taking my paper allowing myself to slip my backpack on and head for the door.

"Have a nice night" I quickly called halfway through the doorway.

I didn't really feel like going home just yet since I did have quite a bit of homework to get done, and being home with all my comforts would stop me from doing it allowing to procrastinate even more. So instead of going home for a nap, I headed to the library where I knew my usual seat would be waiting.

I took notice of the weather outside from my two-person table. The clouds were even more angry looking than this morning, they were basically black and dark grey casting the whole town in various shadows. Our very first almost summer storm, good thing I was able to bring the car this morning. I turned my attention back to my textbook to search for another answer.

            Admittedly, I spent too much time in the library. I realized this when my dad called my phone at five-thirty asking where I was. oops.

I packed my things up after telling him I was on the home now, I noticed it was now dark out because of the storm which was now full-on thundering and pouring outside. I waved the librarian goodbye on my way out heading for the parking lot.

I wonder what's for dinner? Maybe mac and cheese. The thought of mac and cheese excited me so much my legs walked faster out the front door. 

I breathed a sigh of relief when I made contact with my nice and dry drivers-side seat. I usually enjoyed storms when I was in my room reading, or something but not so much while trying to run through it attempting to avoid getting all my books soaked.

I sent my dad a quick text saying I was officially in the car on my way. Just a ten-minute drive if I take the backroads, which I always do to avoid the traffic and crazy drivers. Soon enough I get to take the car everyday once I graduate which was only another two months away. Thank god.

My commute home was going swimmingly until the engine stuttered. Then stuttered at me some more. Then it shut up entirely. 


So here I was, standing outside my car, in the middle of the road, in pouring rain, with soaked hair. All while staring blankly under the car hood I had popped open. All looked fine, from my limited knowledge of cars. Time to call Triple A I guess. I was just about to hop back inside and text dad about the car trouble when I saw a pair of headlights approaching through the rain.

My luck hasn't run out just yet after all. I waved my arm in the air to flag them down as they passed, oddly enough they were already slowing before I did so. How kind of them. 

"Hey, do you have a jump cable on you by chance?" I walked up to their window which was rolled down. Odd considering the equivalent of the oceans mass was being dumped on us at this very moment, I brushed it aside along with my dripping hair falling in my face.

I stood awaiting a response but all I got was a strange grunt and a nod. I smiled politely before noticing that 'grunt thing' was directed to someone behind him in the back seat. I looked back there to see someone sitting there one moment and then the next they were gone. 

I whipped my head around right as I heard rapid footstep creating a slapping noise on the watery road behind me. Next thing I know something hard is rammed into the side of my head, and everything goes black. Just like the night.

Authors Note:

Thanks for reading, I think this chapter was a little rushed but also not really since it is slightly boring just going through someone's uneventful day of school. Let me know if I should add an extra scene in here or something. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day or night. :)

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