Chapter 3

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Make no mistake, I was very out of it in this moment, but I feel as though someone was carrying me. Or were there two people perhaps...? I drifted back into the tranquility of sleep suddenly not caring anymore.

            I felt something become tightly wrapped around my...wrist? I couldn't tell from how cloudy my head was. Whatever I was sitting in was very uncomfortable. I cracked an eye open to see blinding florescent light above me, my eyes snapped shut. but not before catching a glimpse of a person leaving the room. 

I blinked one, twice, a couple more times before my eyes finally adjusted. I lifted my head awakening from whatever state I was just in for a third time; I think it was three times anyway. I looked down with more clarity taking notice of my wrists tied down on two metal armrests. Everything hit me all at once.

Suddenly I was in Panick mode as my mind realized what horrible of a situation just I found myself in. One moment I'm worried about dinner, and now I'm worried about whether or not whoever took me intends to kill me or worse.  I thrashed me arms around in their tight holds helplessly knowing that was not going to work. 

Next, I found my ankles were free, so I tried to stand with the chair, which I then discovered was bolted to the concrete floor. My breathing picked up as I looked around the room with wide eyes.

The whole room was a perfect square entirely covered in white, accompanied by that overly bright light. There was only one entrance and exit, a thin also white door on the wall opposite of me. That very door shifted a bit followed by a keypad noise before automatically opening.

I felt a jolt of dread rake through me as I sat there preparing for the absolute worst. Whoever has me here was about come in and do who knows what, and I was not keen on finding that something out in any way. 

"Greetings" a man of very large build was now standing a mere five feet from me with a clipboard. I gaped at him with wide eyes.

"What's your age?" this was spoken with such a monotone voice I almost would have thought it a recording if not for the person standing before me. He raised an eyebrow at me as I still sat in silence.

"uh" I gulped down dryly getting more and more anxious by the second "...18" my hands were now clutching the armrests as if it was a lifeline. 

The man wrote what I assume was my age on the clipboard "height" my brows furrowed this time. 

"6'1-ish..." why did he want to know this?

"gender" did I hear that right? the fear disappeared for just a second the confusion overriding it. But returned full send when the man narrowed his eyes at me.

"Male" I spat out not wanting to cause any unnecessary actions. This answer was also scribbled down.

"Label?" the man said this with full seriousness. I stared back in complete confusion, racking my brain for what that meant, please don't get mad.

"Label?" I asked this as tentatively as possible. This did not go over well with him as he suddenly stood over me.

"What your called" he growled. I shrunk into my seat.

Then it hit me "o-oh, Caleb."

"Describe your appearance" his tone was still very odd sounding but seemed bored now.

"Um..." I trailed off slightly taken off guard by that, can't he just write down what he sees? "Black hair, blue eyes, white" he wrote this down as well.

This questioning continued for the next thirty minutes, and it was getting really detailed. At one point he asked for my shoe size. My anxiety rose the more and more questions he asked, why did he need to know this? What did he need me for? Did he plan to keep me alive? That last one was always at the forefront of my mind.

I was left alone again to ramble in my own thoughts. 

I always thought this kind of thing would never happen to me. Why would it? But here I was living one of everyone's worst fears and there was nothing I could do to protect myself.

This time allowed me to pay close attention to the ropes around my wrists, at least I think that's what they were. It had the pattern of a rope but felt like a snake's scales and was such a dark black they looked like nothingness. Every time I moved my wrist to fast, they tightened even more surely creating red marks.

I jerk my head up at the same noise from before followed by another man coming into the room, he wasn't quite as big as the other guy. But his hard-set expression revealed what he was willing to do.

I flinched when he dropped a small pillow and bottled water into my lap before reaching for the restraints. My mouth dropped open when he tapped the material with a small object, both sides unraveled like a coil and dropped to the ground. I was just about ask what he was going to do with me when he spoke.

"Get up. You're going to a cubical."  cubical? my thoughts were cut short by him yanking me up by my arm. I grabbed the two objects before they dropped not wanting to upset him. 

"What do you want with me?" I couldn't sit in suspense any longer. He did not answer me and instead held my shoulder pushing me forward down a hallway. This hallway looked nothing like any building I have ever seen, the floor was a black cement-like texture, the walls were made of what looked like metal sheathing and a ceiling outlined with orange lights. 

He must have noticed my gawking judging by his firm shove against the same shoulder. On the way to wherever I was being taken another man joined him taking hold of my other shoulder. I couldn't help the sinking feeling of helplessness in this very moment.

Something about these people does not sit right with me. Other than the fact they kidnapped me, the way they talk as if a computer, and said things such as 'labels' for a name was really off. I also caught some of them passing by and making eye contact with the men pushing me, then one of the men behind me responds as if the other guy said something. Not to mention this building which looked like something from a movie.

"In" I'm jerked to a halt in front of a thin glass sliding door, the door extended from ceiling to floor with no visible handle. I step into the tiny room, or more like cell. The door is slid shut followed by a locking noise which cements the fact that I am trapped in here. 

I turn around to see a small single person bed attached to the wall of a corner, next to it a tiny shelf, on the opposite corner is a short wall just wide enough to cover the view of a toilet and sink. At least the walls are grey not pure white like that other room.

I dropped the things they gave me and sunk onto the floor leaning against the nearest wall. 

Everything hit me, not knowing where I was, if I would ever get out, why I was here, and the fact I might never see dad again. Even worse he might not see me again. At that my eyes stung wanting to shed tears, but I held everything in. 

Holding a calm and collected exterior was how I made it through everything in my life, my mom, basketball games, and even now.

I switched my gaze from my vans to my right at the feeling of being watched. I'm met with an equally terrified gaze of a girl my age sat against the wall in a similar room across from mine, knees up to her chest.

Wait a second...

Author's Note:

Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. We're getting into the more interesting stuff now which is great. So far how do you think I'm doing? Feedback is appreciated since this is really the first thing I've published for people to actually read. 

Have a nice day or night :)

Have a nice day or night :)

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