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            The man ran through a corridor amongst a dozen others all sharing the desire of a safe place to hunker down. He frantically scanned the area searching for one person in particular, though he was nowhere to be found. Cursing inwardly, he allowed his training to kick in.

"You six get to pod nine!" he commanded, pointing at the men ahead of his position "you six follow me to pod eight there's no more room in nine!" with the others already headed off, the remainder of the group ran behind their Captain, splitting off neatly.

The clattering of boots hitting the ground was drowned out by a blaring siren; a constant reminder of their dire state. The faint screaming of others who had yet to find a safe location was ignored by the groups headed to a room of limited space.

The group rounded another corner of many just as the vessel rattled forcing half the men down leaving them to clamor to their feet avoiding each other. Ahead of them was their lifeline being held open by the captain, waving an arm as if to usher them into the emergency pod faster.

"Strap in everyone!" he yelled over the siren, pushing away any thought of rushing back through the vessel in search for their General.

If he was any smart, he was already away from the rupturing vessel.

The men efficiently filed into the pod, hastily fastening their shoulder straps securing themselves into one of the eight seats. Checking that everyone was fastened in, the captain sealed the heavy suctioned door shut. Strapping himself into a vacant seat.

Everything was silent, a moment as the siren was blocked out, heavy breathing filling the room in its place.

In an instant the pod was thrusted away from the large vessel launching towards the nearest planet taking everyone strapped within it towards the uncertain destination.

A month had passed since the captain and his surviving men crashed into the rich soil of the unknown planet. He was immeasurably relieved when the General made an appearance hurling into the ground in a pod of similar fashion. It took one survey of the land for the General to devise an objective for the survival of their race.

With the General back on their home planet, the remaining soldiers blended in with this new world.

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