Chapter 12

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May 2,2024 10:30am

"Get on" he stood holding the reigns connected to one of the Dealeas which we used to call horses. They looked just as big and strong as they did in the stables.

"What about a saddle?" I pointed out the fact this Dealea only had a halter and reins on.

He gave me a look "saddle?" 

"You don't have saddles?" even I could feel the color leave my face.

"Stop making up fake things and get on already" he growled at me becoming inpatient.

Complying, I stepped around to stand alongside the dealea. He was about the same size as a regular horse but he was certainly stronger and more intimidating. I took a minute eyeing his back where I had to somehow get up onto with no help.

Apprehensively, my arms came up to rest on the dealea's back preparing to just try and jump. Right as I did so I managed to get my chest onto the dealea's back struggling to get a leg over. A hand grabbed my foot pulling it over followed by the rest of my body.

This was the most unstable I have felt in my entire existence. Now that I was actually sitting on the dealae's back it was no better than I thought it would be. The Deala moved a hoof shifting slightly throwing me completely off balance. A rope which was black and felt somewhat like snakeskin was placed into my hands. In the midst of my struggle, I noticed how the dealeas coat was so smooth that it didn't feel like hair, the aqua patterning was not part of the hair; it felt like exposed skin underneath instead even though there was only a light dent between it and the fur.

I looked to where the Argan man was standing just a moment ago to see he was no longer holding this creature still. I was now the one holding the reins attached to the glorified rope halter. Taking a good look at the dealea's head, he seemed pretty calm, maybe nice enough to not make any sudden movements. The ground seemed like a hundred-foot drop from up here.

As soon as Adalyn was brought back, a new argan guard had come and took us into this large fenced in field to begin teaching us how to ride the dealea's. He informed us that we were to race each other while mounted, at whatever this event of theirs was in order to show the citizens that people were willing to make an effort in co-existing. I'm gathering these dealeas, and learning to ride them is very important to them.

I watched as the argan man brought the other dealea he had brought out which was a mare, over to Adalyn who was awaiting her turn. The argan looked at me while walking over.

"Straiten your back" did he just roll his eyes at me? At that my not so straight back was brought to the forefront of my mind.

I quickly sat up away from slumping forward as if readying myself to duck under something. Once my posture was fixed, I felt a lot more stable. Wow that is much better.

Adalyn mounting the mare dealea caught my attention, she accomplished the task in a similar fashion to me though much, much more graceful. Looking impressed with herself she sat adjusting to the dealea's back before being handed the reins.

The argan man mounted his own dealea with ease, pointing at me "you're on Rigel" he repeated the action towards Adalyn "you're on Kamri" his eyes narrowed "respect them."

Adalyn and I exchanged a look of equal surprise. Clearly even the argan guards cared about the dealea to an extent which I was not expecting from these beings.

Walking his dealea forward he began speaking again "keep your back straight, heels down, sit deep and allow you're hips to move in tandem with the dealea" my heart quickened as I noticed the dealea I was on was about to actually move. 

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