Chapter 11

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May 1,2024 12:00pm Caleb

"What about the horses?" Adalyn spoke as though she knew I would not agree with this idea.

I looked at her face like she was crazy, a look of horror most likely encompassing my features "there's no way I would make it through that "half the horses in that barn seemed to hate me for some reason or another.

We had been going back and forth for the past hour with further ideas of how to get away from here beyond just the vent. We couldn't just bust out of the building and then rely on straight up running off into the sunset with no worries.

We are still in a completely unknown world.

She crossed her arms "c'mon man" it was difficult to determine whether she was seriously mad or not "I've seen them running in the fenced in areas before, they are really fast, and we don't have a clue on how to work those hovering cars of theirs."

I weighed these two options: ride fast but terrifying creature, or sprint as fast as possible from a squad of unreasonably strong beings. Tough choice.

As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. We needed some way to create distance over the night before they even notice we are gone.

"We can't ride them fast if we both don't know how to ride though" I pointed out.

I watched as her face contorted in concentration for a long moment "we could practice while in the stable cleaning?" 

I was a moment away from pointing out we can't practice no more than a walk in there when she continued "we would have to focus on just getting one of them used to us and balance in there though. And when we it is time to go, we just learn from there" she beat me to it.

"Ok now that's settled, lets focus on how you're going to get to me from the roof first" now that we had a vague idea of where we would need to get to once on the ground, we still weren't sure if Adalyn would be able to come and get me. 

If worse comes to worse, I'll at least attempt getting through the vent as well. 


            "You're sure there's no better of me getting up there?" Adalyn was once again sitting on my shoulders below where the vent was attached the wall near the ceiling. She was not a fan.

"Don't think so" I did realize how little she trusts herself to balance, which was why my hands never left their contact on her once while she repeated the process of standing on my shoulders from the other night.

Her shoes did cause a slight sting on my shoulders now that her whole-body weight was focused on them but luckily, she would be off in just a moment. I watched as she prepared to pull herself into the vent again. 

We had planned for Adalyn to go onto the roof tonight and look around more thoroughly. I hope there is some way to get down from there since we can't make a rope to climb out of our sheets long enough for the probably two-hundred-foot descent.

Even if we did, I don't think we would try it as slipping would mean instant death.

I let out a breath of relief as Adalyn was successfully in the vent now speaking over her shoulder saying she was 'all good'.

"Remember to come back feet first" I called up to her. She responded with a sarcastic 'yes dad'.

I did not feel like being flattened on the floor again, my mind flashing back to when I was aiming to just catch her around the waist upside down. That didn't work out to well.

Looking at the date on my watch, it sinks in one more time how long I've been away from home. Five days away from a month. 

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