Chapter 16

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May 10, 2024, 3:05pm

Rigel leisurely walked along through the small crowd forming around us. Everyone on the bleachers had come down heading in various directions, the announcer mentioned something about food and drink after telling those of us in the race to head back under the canopy.

Hopefully Rigel doesn't run into anyone, unless of course that person was Zorgon. I'd be fine with that.

"Excuse me" an Argan woman called from somewhere in the masses "to your left."

Stopping Rigel, I looked over to see an older Argan woman standing close by looking right at me.

"Oh, uh hi" I cringed at the sound of voice cracking.

"Hello, I have something for you dear" she said holding up a glossy paper "I caught a great photo of you two back there" she smiled.

I leant down, taking it from her hand "oh really?"

Scanning over the photo, my breath caught at the image.

"Wow" I looked at the woman "this is really cool" I felt the smile brighten my sweaty face.

Turning to Adalyn, I flipped the photo around showing her the image of us crossing the finish line, our hands held up high together. The dust being kicked up behind us completing the image.

"That's awesome!" She looked at the woman as well.

"No problem! You keep that" she said.

"You sure?"

If I was her, I would never part with such a great picture.

She nodded "I have another copy" she said, shuffling off before I had the chance to ask how she made a copy so fast.

Back under the canopy we were told to wash all the paint off using what looked like a highly advanced hose and rag.

"These people- I mean Argan really do seem kind" Adalyn said, glancing around.

"Yeah, I can't believe the guards are so different."

I had assumed all the Argan were just like the cold, and rough guards only to be sent into a whirlwind of confusion being met with open arms by all these citizens. Unsettling really, they all thought we wanted to get along when in reality we were being held captive by the ones they trusted.

Now having washed the paint off I looked at Adalyn who was standing full of tension eying everyone around as if lost.

She must have caught my questioning gaze.

"I don't know what we are supposed to do now" she said.

"Maybe..." I looked around seeing where everyone else was heading "those food stands?

I pointed at the arrangement of stands adorned with signs having various foods printed on them as well as games resembling a pop-up fair my town held each summer. Adalyn looked at the stands with interest.

"Well, that looks familiar" she said, confirming my thoughts.


We walked over together keeping an eye out for a guard or Zorgon who might pop up at any moment. The Argan behind the counter greeted us with a big smile allowing us to pick something out which was surprisingly free, I had been prepared to be denied as we had no clue what kind of currency they had.

We ate our hotdogs at a bench which happened to face a stand where children were throwing rings onto some spikes, others strolled around with children, a loved one, and even some creature which looked like a hairless hyena having the same aqua patterning as the dealea's. If it wasn't for them being something other than people this would be a regular day at home, enjoying a summer break.

"We were supposed to graduate six days ago" I said to Adalyn.

"March sixth? What day is it?" her eyes landed on my watch.

"The tenth"

Her face dropped as if a shadow had passed over her face. Regret filled me not wanting to be the one ruining her mood.

She fiddled with her nail again.

"At Least we don't have to worry about tripping up on the stage" I said in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"We'll find a way back Caleb, don't worry" she sounded as though she didn't believe her own words.

I didn't reply as words decided to abandon me altogether.

What if we never did get back home? A shudder ran through me at the thought. We'd just be two teens whose case went cold and end up in some cold case documentary twenty years from now.

The sensation of being watched brought my eyes back up to see an Argan guard walking up to us feigning a polite smile.

"Hello, General Zorgon would like to speak with you two" he smiled politely.

"Ok..." I said standing along with Adalyn.

A couple passerby's looked toward the guard in interest.

We followed him as he led us away from any listening ears. There was no way Zorgon actually wanted to talk with us, this had to just be a guise to return us to the cell while avoiding anyone overhearing. Cause god forbid news of their little classified operation gets out.

The moment we were sealed in the hovering car, the travel back across the desert began once again.

The mechanical door sealing shut was closely followed by Adalyn's voice.

"You ready for tonight?" she said.

"Oh absolutely. I just hope nothing goes wrong."

This thought had been brewing in me for a couple days now. The nerves settled themselves nice and snug in my gut the more my mind came up with ways it could all go horribly wrong.

"Don't chicken out on me Cal."

I groaned "you couldn't have come up with a better weird nickname?" I don't know what it was about the name Cal but an image of some middle-aged white guy selling cars popped in my mind every time she said it.

"Should I call you." she brought a hand up to her chin "Leb? Al? Ooo, maybe Belac!" her brows rose in approval at that last one.

My head shook back and forth so fast my vision blurred.

"You know what. I'm alright with Cal."

Her triumphant smile made her motives clear enough "great, Belac it is then."

"Fine then" I crossed my arms, "Nylada" I said, a smile cracking my frown.

Her brows dropped so far I thought they may just fall to the floor.

Ignoring the displeasure written across her face I sat on my small bed going over the plan in my head again.

If all goes smoothly, she would head up into the vent and then come get me out then we would go back to the roof and climb down the ladder-the thought of climbing a ladder at this height sent shivers down my spine- then we would go grab the dealeas to cover as much ground as possible.


Today was the last time we would see this cell.

May 10, 2024, 3:00pm

Authors Note:

Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's admittedly a little short and a bit of a filler chapter but work and school have been getting busier, so I took it easy on writing this week.

How do you think their plan will go?

Any ideas on where they'll end up in a couple days?

Have a great day or night :)

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