Chapter 13

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A friend happened to send this picture to me while I was writing, so I obviously had to put it on this chapter.

May 4,2024, 1:35am, Adalyn

             The door emitted a soft beep followed by the click of a mechanism. oh, thank goodness. My lungs allowed air to filter in and out once more.

I really thought the keycard Caleb had stolen would not work for whatever reason, but it did. Hopefully this wasn't a very loud door or else I was so done for.

Wrapping my hand around the handle I slowly turned it cringing at how the smallest squeak resounded for a moment from the lack of use. Poking my head in when the door was opened wide enough; I saw a dark staircase only lit by a faint glow coming from a tiny circle on the ceiling going down to yet another door.

Should I go down there? I never told Caleb I'd do that, though the opportunity is right here. It felt like there was an angel on my shoulder pulling me to go back, and a devil on the other tugging me to go down there even though there was absolutely know plan involved.

Against my better judgement, I silently skipped down the steps down to the next door which I repeated the action of swiping the keycard in a little slot. This one to emitted soft noises before clicking open.

The hall which I stepped into looked somewhat familiar with all the black interior and orange strip lights along the ceiling. Looking to the right there was a corner to go around, I headed that way first on my mission to find the cell from here.

I wondered the halls for what seemed like hours with no luck, I knew this was the correct floor since the flight of stairs was only long enough to go down one floor from the roof. Maybe the elevators would have a directory or something for the guards to navigate with.

Just as I was about to round the corner where I had passed the elevator earlier a voice sounded from right where I was headed. My heart skipped a beat.

Immediately backtracking lightly jogging back where I had come from, I searched for anyplace to possibly hide. This was a stupid decision. Continuing to curse myself out my legs moved a bit faster.

Another set of footsteps sounded from down the hall ahead of me.  Crap. I couldn't go forwards and I couldn't go backwards.

My heart pumped so hard it began to hurt as if it knew I was about to be caught in the worst position possible. There was a door leading into who knows where, maybe a room full of argan, or maybe just a straight firing squad. I didn't care, not wasting another second before pushing through the door in a rush and shutting it tentatively.

I swung around preparing myself for wherever I just entered to find I was all alone. My relief only lasted a moment before there was a sound outside the unlocked door. There was what looked like a small closet nestled in the corner of this small room which I gladly squeezed myself into.

With my breath resounding in my head like a siren, the argan outside seemed to continue walking having changed his mind on coming in here. I could not be more relieved by this, stepping out I got a good look of this room.

There was a glass desk, a large window behind the desk and. It dawned on me that I had just run into Zorgon's office. Zorgon was also definitely not in here right now meaning I had free range.

Taking a look around I stepped behind Zorgons desk, opening a drawer which was in fact not see through. Closing it after finding random office utensils I neatly rummaged around the rest of the drawers pausing on one. A folder was stored with Caleb and I's names printed across the top in bold lettering.

Picking it up I flipped the cover open where there were about ten papers for each of us all with various notes written down. So this was what he was doing with all those things he kept writing down on the spaceship. Intently reading through most of the pages I came to the last sheet which was quite short.

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