Washington BC/Let Your Inner Animal Out

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Scene: Burning Apartment

"People watch in the city street as a building is engulfed in flames. Sirens blare in the distance. Inside the building, A boy and his mother run to the door, but a piece of burning debris traps them in their room. They look around as pieces fall around them; eventually, the ceiling above them starts to cave in. They both shut their eyes and brace for it. Nothing happens."

Young Boy: *slowly opens his eyes, sees two people standing in front of them* ...Who are you?

"They see two beings made of fire, holding the ceiling debris above their heads."

Inferno: *to the young boy* Don't worry

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Inferno: *to the young boy* Don't worry.

Inferno: *to the young boy* Don't worry

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Heatblast: *grunts* We're here to help.

"Both Inferno and Heatblast throw away the debris and extend their hands; all the fire in the room gets absorbed by them. Inferno and Heatblast turn around and motions to come with them. The boy is less afraid to follow than his mom. Heatblast looks to some stairs leading down."

Heatblast: This way! *the stairs collapse* Er... Uh...

Inferno: *to the mother and son* On second thought... *he looks to a barred-up window* That way.

"Inferno and Heatblast shoot a hole around the window. The people outside watch as two tornadoes of fire exit the hole and touch straight down to the ground. It disperses, as Inferno and Heatblast, the boy, and the mother are all okay. The crowd gasped when they saw the two creatures, literally made out of rocks and fire."

Heatblast: I'm sure you all want to thank me personally, but really it's all in a day's work for- *noticing the kid holding three trading cards, gasps* No way! A gold Sumo Slammer Card! *kneeling down* Where'd you get it? I've been looking all over for that!

Young Boy: I-It was a prize inside a box of "Sumo-Smack Cereal".

Heatblast: I got to look for where that cereal is at! *gets lifted up as this surprised him* Huh? *he looks at the person who lifted him up and saw that Inferno puts Heatblast behind him* Hey! What gives?! What are you doing, Inferno?!

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