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Year 2013; SEOUL, Gangnam-gu.

"Its all giving me a headache now. Shin hasn't been a much bigger nuisance than this before." Kim Sung-soo massaged his forehead. 

"Shin isn't much more hectic than my husband, dad." Kim Minji plopped on the chair, respiring deeply.

"I can't regret less giving my daughter to that bastard." Sung soo looked up with a worried frown stressing his shriveled face.

"It can't be reversed dad. I can understand in what situation you were in back then." Minji spoke with her eyes closed.
"I am just worried about Y/n. The divorce had quite a deep impact on her. I tried my best to make her feel that everything is normal but the circumstances aren't letting me stay with her and that Jong Dae isn't helping either." 

'I wish I wasn't drunk back then.' She threw her head back as the memories filled in.


'I don't wanna be pregnant with his child!' Minji yelled and hurled a vase at the dressing mirror.

'Minji-ya, you need to get a hold on yourself. Relax first. We need to face it wisely.' Her younger sister Minseo hugged her shoulders. She is indeed younger but more mature and wiser than her.

'Does he know that you're pregnant?' Minseo asked. Minji shook her head with teary eyes.

'Soon he will.' Minji sniffed.

'We're gonna handle that. First you need to confront Junseok. Tell him everything, he will understand you.' Minseo advised to which she agreed right away.


'Hwang Y/n-'

'I am not Hwang!' She slammed her hands on the table.

'I am Kim. K-I-M. Kim Y/n. Kindly remember it miss.' Y/n looked straight into her teacher's eyes. 

She was suggested to be home schooled afterwards seeing her recalcitrant behavior towards almost everyone in the school. She has trouble making friends at school cause of the stress and anxiety that came out disguised as anger.

'Y/n.' Sana politely called her and popped her head in her vision. She gave her a side eye and decided to ignore her again.

'Aren't you hungry? There's fish soup in today's menu. Aren't you coming? Its your favorite, I know so I bought some for you.' She cheerfully kept the plate in front of her. Y/n was sitting alone on the rooftop and Sana sneaked out a bowl for her.

'Can't you leave me alone?! I am trynna give peace to my mind! Can't you just get lost?!' Y/n pushed the bowl away making it collapse on the ground before shattering in hundreds. 

Y/n pulled out a cigarette and lit it up before sucking the smoke inside and exhaled it out.

'You shouldn't smoke-'


Y/n regretted shouting at her a lot and cause of that she passed a sleepless night. Shouting wasn't necessary. Sana was right and just worried about her and her health. 

'Sana!' Y/n called her hesitantly.

She turned around on listening to her name. Y/n walked up to her.

'I- I- for yesterday- I shouldn't have- I am so-... so sorry.' Y/n couldn't make eye-contact with her. She was surprised when Sana hugged her tightly and started crying while complaining to her cutely. Y/n didn't wanted the hug but didn't wanted to break it too.


'I need her custody!' Jong Dae walked up to Minji with angry steps. 

'You can't have that! She's my daughter! I can't allow you to ruin her life too!' Minji yelled.

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