7. Those who I despise

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I stopped in my tracks and perked up my ears. I could faintly hear one person talking to another one. I also heard some muffled sounds that I assumed came from the other person. Shit. Something was definitely happening. My heart started beating faster as I stood silently in the corner of the alleyway. If I took one more step forward, I would be met by the people at the other side of the corner. The talking got somewhat louder, to the point that I could distinguish the words that were said.

"You will be a perfect first victim for tonight", a man's voice said.

A cry of muffled screams was heard from the other person.

"Any last words? Oh right, I won't let you say them", the man laughed.

A murder? Better step in. I quickly pulled up my hood and ran towards the two people that stood against the wall. For a split second, blue light lit up the area, but before he could react, I threw a hard kick to the side of the man's stomach, which sent him flying to the end of the alleyway and extinguished the source of light. He groaned as he stood up.

"What the fu-"

A punch right to the abdomen, followed by a knifehand strike to the neck. The man bent over, gasping for breath. I kicked him again, making a dent in the concrete wall behind him. He let out a cough, accompanied with a good amount of blood. I didn't feel guilty. Not because he had attempted murder, but because he was insane. Beyond saving. I could see it in that look in his eyes. The disturbing look I had seen in so many twisted people. People like him. No matter what his motive could have been, right now, he had laughed at the life he had tried to take. And that was something I could never tolerate. I despised people like him, that found pleasure in taking lives, innocent or not. The more I thought about it, the more the rage within me built up, making my blood boil.



He froze still at the heavy, cold tone. Slowly looking up at me, with a terrified look on his face.

--- Dabi's POV ---

I could feel my body freeze at the sound of the girl's deep, sharp tone. What was this feeling? Her gaze burned holes in my head and I, regretfully, lifted my head to meet her glare.

My heart stopped for a second before it started pumping dangerously fast. Was this... fear?

Petrified, I sat against the wall, stared at with full murderous intent. Her e/c orbs shone brightly in the dark alleyway as they stared down at their prey. I started trembling hard, still not being able to control my body at all.

I felt helpless.

Completely inferior.

I was doomed.

No. Wait. What was I thinking?

This fear I felt could just be her quirk. Some sort of fear infliction. Besides, she had taken me completely by surprise before, there is no way she would win in a proper fight against me. I could totally kill her right now.

"Y-you will r-regret this", I cursed myself mentally for stuttering.

I began standing up, struggling, and started forming flames around us.

"Hey.", she repeated. This time sharper, colder, heavier.

As if I'd been weighed down by a truck, I fell back into place, losing my breath and letting go of my flames. I was helpless yet again, still holding her glare, that I didn't dare to break. My heart was still pounding loudly in my chest, signalling danger.

"I despise people like you.", she spat.

As if the girl from before was nothing, the person in front of me right now radiated a massive, dangerous, and suffocating aura, leaving me to think that this was my last moment.

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