18. Irresistible desires

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Everyone... here comes... the dreaded USJ chapter! 

But! Hear me out! I know the arc can be really boring, or just generally hard to read, because... well actually I don't know... The USJ arc is usually when I end up dropping the story when I read any fanfinction, so, yes, I know. Anyways, knowing that, I made Y/n's experience a little different, so that it wouldn't turn out like always. The whole USJ thing will be 2 chapters, not too long I think. So, stay strong! ;)


As we arrived at the entrance and got out of the bus, we were met by a person in a puffy astronaut suit. I supposed this was the third instructor Aizawa told us about, and although I didn't recognize them, the others seemed to.

"Everyone, I've been waiting for you!" They said in a slightly robotic voice, which I assumed was because of the costume.

"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen!" Broccoli said, while Uraraka was gushing about how much she loved her.

"Let's go inside without delay." She said and gestured inside.

"Look forward to working with you!" We all exclaimed.

When we walked inside everyone was amazed by the inside of the round building. It hadn't been possible to look through the glass from the outside, so for most, what we were met with was a surprise. My thoughts wandered to how the school even received such fundings to build such large-scale training areas.

"WOOOW... IT LOOKS LIKE USJ!" Kirishima exclaimed from beside me. USJ? Universal Studios Japan? Nah, there was no way that still existed today. Must be something else.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, et cetera. It is a training ground I made with different types of accidents and disasters! It's called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short!" Thirteen proudly exclaimed while the students seemed dumbfounded, and I confused.

However, I couldn't help but notice that All Might wasn't here, like Aizawa said he would. Just when I thought that, Aizawa walked up to Thirteen and asked her if he wasn't here yet.

"Thirteen, where's All Might? He was supposed to meet us here."

Thirteen walked closer to Aizawa and lowered her voice, so that the rest of the students couldn't hear.

"About that... It looks like he did too much hero work on the way to work and ran out of time..." Thirteen held up three fingers. "So he's resting in the lounge."

Aizawa's mood seemed to worsen if that was even possible.

"That's the height of irrationality." He said with a sigh. "It can't be helped. Shall we begin?"

"Let's see, before we begin... let me say one thing, or two, or..."

"Just get to the point you moron."

'Doshi, that's rude.'

"Who am I if I'm not rude."

I sighed and listened to the astronaut. She gave all the students a speech about how some quirks could easily kill. It was a good speech, and I knew what she was talking about very well. I thought back to my early days when I first got my teleporting quirk and couldn't control it. It was a long time ago now, and things that happened had already happened. It was such a long time ago now that I had already gotten over it though. Anyway, it was good that these students already learned it.

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