11. Planning and plotting

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Days passed, with still no response from Keigo. Well, he did say it could take some time to close the case he was working on. I still hoped he could come by before the entrance exams tomorrow though.

Now, I was planning potential strategies for the exams. Should opt for placing a decent position, or just barely get in? I had all of these choices thanks to the files I stole from UA by the way, so thanks UA, for having trash security.

The files contained information like the presumed average passing score, for both the written and practical entrance exams. Even a little information about how rescue points were distributed.

I was scribbling down my plans on a sheet of paper when my phone buzzed. Twice. I let go of the pen I was holding and excitedly stretched out my arm to grab the phone at the edge of the desk. The screen lit up showing two message notifications. One from each of my contacts:


Hi Y/n! Sorry for not reaching out sooner, I'll be back tonight!

I tried to resist a smile but to no avail. He hadn't forgotten about me! I chuckled and responded with an 'Alright, no problem!'. I then went to see the second message.


Yo Y/n! What's up?

I clicked on the notification and entered the chat. I hadn't actually texted with Denki since we exchanged numbers, I didn't really know what to text. So, I was a happy, and a little nervous. 'What's up?', yeah, what's up? I was planning strategies for an entrance exam based on information from stolen files. Yeah no, couldn't really tell him that.


Not much, preparing for my entrance exams tmorrw


Entrance exams?

Wait wait


U going to UA??


Oh yeah guess I didnt say hahha


Omggg me too!

We should totally meet up there then!

Wait he was going to UA too?! No way! I'd be going to the same school as a friend! How awesome! Oh, yeah, assuming he passed...



That shit's crazy!

Ya we totally should!

Make sure to pass then


Hahahha ofc babe ;)

Meet up at the gates then?


Ur so dumb u know that?

Anyways yea

Have you tried out my present yet btw?

Denki and I texted for a while before he was called to dinner. I should probably eat too, before I got hungry. And so, I went to the kitchen and made some pizzas. I might not seem like it, but I'm actually a really skilled cook if I say so myself. After eating up three and sparing one for Keigo, I went back to my room to give my plan some finishing touches that would make it as fool-proof as possible.

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