may 1st.

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"What? Answer the question" said suzune as the others were also looking at me.

"No, I am not dating anyone" I confirmed as they all let out a sigh of relief.

"Wait, why are you all reacting like this?" I asked as they all shrugged.

"But many saw you walking to class while holding hands with a student of class B." Said Suzune as I grinned at her.

"C'mon Suzune, I also hold hands with you while walking, it doesn't mean that we are dating" I said as she blushed.

"Hm? You hold Horikita's hand while walking?" Asked maya and kei in unison.

"Hmph, why are you two even here? You always hangout with your other freinds and leave me alone" said I as glared at their other Freinds.

As they began to tremble,

"S-stop kiyotaka kun," said Maya as I looked away.

"I know, only suzune, Yuki and kei care about me, you and kikyo are fake" I said as I turned away from them.

"Eh? What? And wait, why karuizawa san?" Asked maya as kikyo was also looking at me.

"Kei treated me with a lot of ice creams," I replied as maya glared at kei.

"Anyways, is Yuki, the girl from class B?" Asked Suzune as I nodded.

"I see" she said in a thoughtful manner.

After a while chabashira sensei entered and took the classes, she also took a test and said that it was mandatory.

After that Maya treated me to ice cream and we also went to arcade

I returned to my dorm as I saw ichinose leaving yuki's dorm.

"Hey, what are you doing there?" I asked with a malicious tone as ichinose gulped.

"D-don't mind him Ichinose" said Yuki as she glared at me.

I approached yuki's dorm as I closed the door leaving ichinose out.

"Hey, kiyotaka, w-why did you closed te door, you will give ichinose the wrong idea" said Yuki flustered.

"Don’t worry about it" I said as I sat on her bed and she sighed.

"Do you want something to drink ?" Asked yuki as I shrugged.

"Nah" saying this I gestured her to sit.

"Yuki, your breasts are bigger than in whiteroom"

"Well of cou- WAIT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING KIYOTAKA?," she said red and steam coming out of her ears. (She is not embarassed, she is a titan shifter 🗿👍🏿)

"A-and also I was just 4 years old there" she said flustered and red as I giggled.

"I would also say that if I could see your manhood" thought Yuki.

"I don’t want to make dinner so I thought I would invite myself for dinner here," said I as I pulled her closer, hugging her.

"O-ohk, I get it, now let go" she said, flustered.

After that I enjoyed my tome with her. (Dinner)

May 1

Today is 1st may and as expected, we didn't got any points

I walked towards the class as maya, kei, kikyou, yosuke and suzune approached me.

"Kiyotaka kun, what you said was right" exclaimed maya

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