camera chan, aka stalker,

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"Who is behind all this nonsense?" I asked in the most malicious tone with the darkest glare"

(By the way if you have any cote fanarts or illustrations that I can use, then feel free to send me)

The class stiffened and even kouenji flinched a little, the atmosphere was tense and the air became thick

"I asked something, did I not?" I repeated as they all were trembling, when kikyo raised his hand.

I stopped glaring at them and looked at her without a smile for the first time.

"Uhh, I think it might be someone from the news club, that girl from class C in particular is always hungry for news" she finished as I sighed.

"I see, thanks for the information" I replied as she chuckled and shrugged it off while saying 'it was nothing'

After that sensei entered the class and it went smoothly

As soon as lunch started I leapt out of the class and rushed forward class C, where I slammed open the door.

I could see a boy with magenta hair threatening someone where a dark skin fellow was standing behind him.

Soon all the eyes where on me.

"Kukuku, ayanokoji? Or should I say playboy kun?" He smirked as I was more annoyed

"Where is the girl from the news club in your class?" I asked in a dark tone as they all flinched but ryuen was just grinning.

"I think she went out a few seconds before you came" said a girl with silver hair and a calm voice, with a polite smile.

I approached the class as soon the the lunch started and in a considerably high speed but she got out before I came? She have known that I was coming beforehand, there is no other way.

"Then I would be going" said I as I started to leave.

Suddenly a kick came at me and I easily dodged it.

"You think you can come and go in my class whenever you want? Fucker" he said as I glared at him,

"Don’t make moves that you will regret" I faced him with a glare as he was looking at me with a smirk.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and increased my grip until his smirk changed into an uncomfortable expression and a few grunts left his mouth.

"I would be going now" I told as I left.

"That girl, even though I can find her pretty easily bur for that I will have to search for quite a long time considering the size of this school" I thought to myself as I sighed.

Soon I recieved a text from Yuki

Yuki: kiyotaka, can you go out with me if you have some time?

Kiyotaka: sure Yuki

Yuki: yay, just don't bring anyone along, think of it as a date, 8:00 pm, restaurant elite, k?

Kiyotaka: sure, it is my first date of high-school.

Yuki: really???

Kiyotaka: yep

Yuki: hehe, be there kiyotaka

Kiyotaka: k

(Just so yk she was blushing like mad but only airi have the ability to stutter in text) 💀👍🏿

A date? I never thought I would go on a date this soon, let alone it be yuki

After the classes I was invited by my freinds but....

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