Protezione della mafia

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I'm awoken by 'shhh's and giggles but I keep my eyes closed and try to hide the smile forming on my face

I hear one last 'shh' before I feel a kiss on each cheek

I snap my eyes open and pull the bodies onto me

they both squeal while I laugh

I kiss my Belle's head before doing the same to Carlo's

"Merry Christmas," my groggy voice says

"Merry Christmas" Belle giggles and kisses my cheek again which obviously isn't enough so I pull her by the back of her neck so that our lips meet in a deep kiss

"CHRIMA!" Car shouts making me and Belle pull away and look at him with a big smile as he looks wide-eyed at his filled stocking above the fireplace

Belle gets up and helps him bring the heavy bag over to our bed

ever since the day we had our first kiss when Belle said the bed was too high, I bought a step stool for her so she can get on without my help

she lifts Carlo onto the bed before getting on as well

"go on prince" I tell him causing him to excitedly dive through his stocking

he squeals as he pulls out each present making me and Belle laugh at him

after another half hour or so we decide to all get ready and head downstairs

I change myself and Car into our suits as Belle changes into her dress and does her makeup before she fixes her and our little boy's hair while I just tie mine into a bun on the back of my head as usual

I change myself and Car into our suits as Belle changes into her dress and does her makeup before she fixes her and our little boy's hair while I just tie mine into a bun on the back of my head as usual

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