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someone made a fanart of the reader on a website *cries in Spanish*

It's cute, please appreciate it.


You felt the ground shake.

It wasn't like one of those small tremors you experienced when you were still in your human body, this one was more... abnormal.

'They are footsteps'.

Footsteps coming straight at you—

The realization came late; a giant body had been thrown harshly in your direction. Fortunately, you managed to dodge it at the last second. Instinctively, you brought your hands to your chest, successfully protecting Moblit and Hange who were in your hands, the small gasps of surprise they let out greatly relieved you, 'they're okay'.

You slowly turned your head to see who had been thrown.

Your eyebrows raised in surprise, of course, in hand-to-hand combat, she always...

You looked with some pity and fear at the fallen titan Eren. It seemed he was completely out of action.

The worried cries for Eren didn't wait. And to your surprise, shortly after, Levi's squad appeared.

'Shouldn't they be dead?', was what you thought when you saw them still alive and flying worriedly towards where Eren was.

Although they stopped abruptly when they saw you, you stood uncomfortably under their astonished gaze at your presence. You became even more nervous when the small man with the largest group of fans came into view, he seemed grumpy.

When he noticed his squad's astonished look, he turned his gaze to where you were. Earning another look of surprise, although this one was calmer compared to that of his squad.

You felt a little jealous, even surprised, he still has a calm face.

The thunderous footsteps indicated that the one responsible for sending Eren flying was rapidly approaching where you all were.

It didn't surprise you to see the female titan coming towards you closely followed by other soldiers who were quickly and mercilessly slaughtered. You swallowed nervously—were you supposed to confront her?

Levi seemed about to attack when he snapped out of his stupor, Mike was standing by his side, he seemed like the second strongest man had the same thought. 'when did Mike stand near Levi?' you thought trying to remember even though your mind felt dizzy, though you still didn't know the true reason why. Armin and Jean were by the titan body of Eren, it seemed they were encouraging him to stand up and keep fighting, of course, if their senseless babble meant anything.

Levi's squad and Mike were preparing to fight alongside those soldiers whose names you didn't know (seriously, if you met them again in the future you would find a way to know their names, it was becoming annoying to call them 'the unknown soldiers')

A plan formed in your head.

If you used your shadows to throw Annie away and then used them to carry Eren's body to wherever Erwin and Hange wanted you to go, there would be no need to fight.

You were determined, although the cowardly part of you begged you to run away from there.
For some reason, a part of you was strangely proud, you knew watching fighting anime would help you someday—

Before Levi or Mike, or anyone, made a move to detach from their place to attack the female titan, you moved. Amidst the gasps of surprise from Hange and Moblit, you moved both of them carefully with one hand, leaving you with one completely free.

Well, it was time to see if this would work—

You raised a hand to make the shadows of the trees trap Annie's legs and then throw her in another direction, when you realized she wasn't moving and that most likely her titan had suffered enough damage for her not to move. You ran to where Eren was to lift him with the shadows of the trees amidst Jean and Armin's surprised gasps who were still on him.

And then you did the most sensible thing anyone in your position would have done, and that was to run, run like the coward you are. Although, to your surprise, it worked.

You didn't even turn around to see if the rest of your improvised squad and Levi's squad were following you but it's most likely they were.

You could hear Hange's thunderous laughter along with Moblit's screams. Surely the poor man felt like he was on a roller coaster, ow.

Against your better judgment, you too were smiling, feeling the need to release the nervous laughter you were holding back. Perhaps later you would blame nerves for all your decisions, why? Because your butt didn't believe what you had just done... you threw Annie Leonhart and then you took Eren! Pfff—


Now that you think about it, Mikasa surely wouldn't be happy if she saw how you were carrying Eren.

Poor guy, he looked like a rag doll. You felt a little bad, although he would be worse if you dragged him on the ground.

At least he's safe among that heap of flesh on his neck. Lucky him to have a bunch of muscles.

You barely have a small muscle mound on your flabby arms. At least what you remember from your normal body.

... Well, now you were just being envious. Although in your mind, you're trying to justify that feeling awkwardly.

The only question was what would happen from now on?

Will you run away or stay? The logical answer was completely clear to you, but the emotional part told you something different, leaving you in a limbo of uncertainty.


a nice old lady told me I was pretty, now I feel special 🥺

It's great to be back, thanks for waiting ❣️ I'm currently working on the other chapters and what will happen in the future, since your actions and presence will affect the original story of aot :0 I wonder what will happen next! (the author knows what will happen but she is trying not to attract attention)


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