[3] Your Idiot Teacher

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Reader POV

Tofu and the boys woke me up early at 0710, me groaning with pure annoyance.

"You boys know not to wake me up until it's 9!" I rolled over and tried to move the sheets but the boys wouldn't have it. Ryomen and Yuji both began to tickle me while Tofu took charge of kissing my face. "Ew! Okay, you win!"

Moments later I was trudging down the stairs only to be met with an interesting surprise. The table had a nice display of rocks from my gardens surrounding a sort of pile of cereal they liked.

"The cereal is the castle and the rocks form a moat," Yuji explained. "We couldn't wait to show you!"

"But I wanted my sleep..." I complained. "You two are normally watching the telly until 8:45 anyway..."

"How do you know that?" Ryomen asked. "We're really quiet!"

I began making myself a cuppa and looked at them with a smile. "You boys got your cheekiness from me, but you also forget I supplied you with your intelligence. You can't outsmart me. Besides, I hear you two arguing on what to watch."

Once breakfast was done, it was time to take them out for their softball lessons and I would use that time to make sure the house was clean enough for Megumi to come over. Tofu happily jumped in the car with us and the instructor bade me goodbye, smiling a bit.

"How's your sunburn, Utahime?" I looked at the instructor with worry. "Did you need any sort of cream?"

She shook her head. "I'm alright, (y/n). Don't worry, I'll make sure they don't forget their water bottles on the bench again."

I gave her a grateful look and was off. The house was pretty clean but it was the boys' room that needed the most work. I was quite sure Megumi wouldn't want to see Ryomen's boogers stuck to the bedframe or Yuji's smelly socks he liked to throw on the fan. The clock struck 10 so I was off to go retrieve the boys. They got showered and changed and just as I was drying their hair, the doorbell rang.

"It's him!" Yuji ran downstairs with Ryomen struggling to follow as he wasn't fully dressed. I folded the towel and put it in their laundry bin, following them. Toji was there with the dogs, Tofu immediately smelling both of them with curiosity.

"Heya," Toji gave me a friendly nod. "Just dropping this rascal off. Thanks for letting him come over on such short notice."

"No issue," I shrugged. "What time will you be back? Do you want me to feed him dinner as well?"

Toji shook his head. "Nah. I should be back around 5pm and Tsumiki can come pick Megs up if anything."

Megumi gave his father a fistbump and bade him goodbye, making sure to remove his shoes before coming into the house. "Miss, where should I wash my hands?"

I showed him where, Tofu following him with his tail wagging excessively. "Megumi, do you like mac and cheese? I picked some up from the store if you wanted to try it?"

"I love it! Dad only makes it occasionally so it'll be so cool." Megumi ran off with the boys and they did multiple activities, my favorite when we played 'Queen'. Megumi made me a paper crown and I ordered them to get me things while I worked in the garden, such as telling them to get me my water and to hide treats for Tofu to find.

With the boys helping me by testing all the veggies I cut for them to snack on, I quickly made the mac and cheese, careful to avoid using whole milk since Toji warned me Megumi only can tolerate almond milk in his mac and cheese as he was slightly lactose intolerant.

5pm came too fast, much to the children's displeasure. Toji was sitting on the couch, talking with me while we warned the boys that Megumi would be leaving soon.

"So you ever see their teacher?" Toji asked me. "Parent-teacher conferences are coming up soon and I was hoping I wasn't the only one who found that teacher dumb."

"You know him?"

"Unfortunately so. Let's just say our families don't like each other and Gojo Satoru is a bumbling idiot. Him and that Nanami Kento, though he works at some tech place."

"Nanami?" I pulled a picture of him from my phone at the last corporate picnic. "How do you know him?"

Toji snorted at the photo of Nanami cutting a sandwich. "We go back, all three of us. I went to their rival high school. Plus my cousin Naoya really hates Gojo Satoru."

"Wow. He seems..." I looked at the picture Toji had of Gojo Satoru in high school yearbooks. "Well, he seems odd."

Megumi came running in at the sound of his teacher's name. "Gojo-sensei likes to dance along to the songs we play! Especially MelonCoco and Blue-e (author here don't wanna have a lawsuit lmao)!"

I looked down at the three of them. "So your teacher is an idiot? A somewhat respectable idiot, but an idiot regardless."

"Mommy, what's an idiot?" Ryomen asked me.

I patted his head. "It's someone who hardly uses any brain power and therefore makes stupid decisions. Someone like Aunt Fei."

"And to think we have parent-teacher conferences soon. I'd rather skip it." Toji got up. "Alright Megatron, we got dinner to pick up. Say goodbye to the Itadoris."

The pair bowed and Megumi hugged my boys, promising to show them his rock collection if they ever came over. Once the door shut behind them, the boys started begging for dinner, claiming they were starving.

"Oh, that's too bad. You can have a quick snack and we can go take a walk. Maybe Chinese food for dinner?"

"Yay!" They started running to the snack drawer and I knew that we would indeed be stopping by the park as I heard Yuji loudly whisper how he plotted with Megumi to drag us to the park so they could play more.


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