Chapter 3 - The Gift

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Ashley was at a financial low at the time; she was barely surviving. The previous night, she was pondering what to gift Katie's brother; she was not looking for a perfect gift, just something to present to avoid awkwardness. Not like she cared, but it would be unusual to attend a 30th birthday without a gift. She had thought about everything that would not involve breaking the bank to please a total stranger. After all, nobody knew how she had been surviving.

She hurriedly smacked her lips lightly to even out the lipstick she applied while looking inattentive in the mirror. She had woken up late with a slight headache, which she attributed to her many times of drifting away in thoughts. As she ran a comb through her long blonde hair, she recalled how many have termed her blonde hair her most distinctive attribute.

She was dressed in high denim and a chiffon top gifted to her by her godmother, Eva. Eva was the reason Ashley was able to afford a house in Greensville. She handed Ashley the keys to her house in Greensville when she heard Ashley had gotten a job around there. Eva treated Ashley like her biological daughter. Growing up Downtown, Eva always loved Ashley to come and spend the weekend with her family. Things became slightly different when Eva's husband, Mister Brown, passed away. Eva became depressed, and the once extroverted Mrs. Brown became an introvert by circumstance. Ashley wondered how Mrs Brown loved Mr Brown! Ashley had always admired the friendship between the duo; they had a peaceful home, and Ashley was very comfortable with the family whenever she came around. Mister Brown had left Eva with a child, Harold, a replica of Mister Brown.
As Ashley walked briskly towards the front door, her eyes caught a painting Edmund gave her while she was packing into the house, and then an idea struck. She reached for her mobile and dialed Edmund. Edmund picked from his end, and she could feel his excitement.
"Today is going to be a great day. A call from Big Ash? I will sure give myself a treat today."
"What's up, Eddy? I hope you are not insinuating that I rarely call. Well, these days, yeah. But you know, I've always got you."
"I know, just kidding," Edmund responded with a giggle. Being a free-spirited human, he barely took anything to heart.
"Have you been coping well staying with Richard?" Ashley asked with keenness. Edmund moved in with his best friend, Richard, because he wanted to be independent. For some reason, he didn't want to be under the watch of his sister; he was old enough to take care of himself, he thought.
"You know I will always cope. Richard is not so bad; he nags though, but he has the right to."
"If it becomes toxic for you, call me. Don't bear it."
"I hear you, Ash. How have you been? I bumped into Jimmy the other day, and he wanted to offer me a little contract. He wants me to get some artwork done for his apartment. He is redecorating."
"That would have sounded great, but we broke up," Ashley retorted. There were a few seconds of dead silence from Edmund's end.
"I'm short on words. I didn't see it coming, you always sounded happy with him," Edmund said without mincing words. "For how long has this been?"
"Barely two weeks. That's it, by the way. Eddy, I'm wondering if I can get any framed artwork from you. I need to take a gift to a birthday party, and I'm currently low on cash."
"What type of painting do you need? I have one, but I don't think it is suitable for feminine clients."
"It's a man's birthday, so I think it will be perfect. Do not give me valued work that can earn you money. Just any of your leisure work will do."
"When do you want it? I will give you an 8 cm by 8 cm work",
"I will pick it up on my way from work today. The party is today",
"I got you, Ash. But make sure you have an ice cream cake in exchange," Edmund chuckled.
Ashley laughed aloud. "I thought you'd outgrown ice cream cakes. I can afford it, though. I will get the smallest size on my way. Thanks, little man!".

She didn't wait to hear back before hanging up because she was running late. Her calls with Edmund last forever. Edmund had a thing with talking. She wouldn't classify him as talkative; he just knew how to keep conversations going. As a little boy, he always looked forward to ice cream cakes. Everyone thought he would outgrow his love for ice cream cakes, but he never did. Maybe when he starts having kids, he will.

*   *   *
Ashley was very busy in the office and had just finished speaking with the last client on her list. More people were signing up, and it seemed Miss Jane had been working on the client retention issue. She had already received a message from the media manager, Harry, to forward the week's newsletter to subscribers. That would be the last few clicks on her computer before heading to Edmund's. She had thought about how lucky she was to have a brother who paints; now he would be saving her some cash. She heard Miss Jane's footsteps approaching. She was speaking to someone, had her phone in one hand, and her bag clutched in the other hand while she still clung to some files. She shoved three files politely towards Ashley and gestured that she should stack them. Without waiting for Ashley's reaction, she made her way to the door and left.

Ashley silently admired her strength. She was probably going to pick up her daughter. Ashley always thought it was hard to be a single mom. She finished sending out the newsletter and shut down the system. She stood with a long stretch and ran her hands through her hair. Her phone rang. It was Edmund calling to let her know that, due to his evening shift, he would likely drop the work with Richard because he may not be able to wait till she arrived.

"It's fine. I wouldn't like to delay you. If I am late, I will pick it up from Richard then."

After the call ended, Ashley gave it some more thought and decided that it would be nice to meet up with Edmund, as it had been a few weeks since they last saw each other. She swiftly gathered her belongings and left without further delay.

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