Chapter 16- Espionage

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Tricia was half awake and could hear the random noises Doctor Murray was making as he prepared to leave for his morning shift. She awoke languidly from her sound sleep and got ready to get off the enormous bed, stretching herself lazily on the bed. She glanced at the clock to verify the time. She smiled, remembering the reassuring dream she'd had of Ashley accepting the offer. Doctor Murray approached her hurriedly and kissed her gently on the forehead. He leaned forward, both hands resting on Tricia's head, and she put her hands around his neck and kissed him passionately on his lips. As Doctor Murray continued to lovingly stroke her hair, she did it more intensely.
"Honey, I have to get going," Doctor Murray whispered, unwrapping Tricia's hands gently.
"Already?" Tricia whispered back.
"Yeah, already. I have early morning surgery," Doctor Murray answered, removing his hands from the bed and sitting up straight. Rolling from her bed, Tricia sat up, reached for his necktie, and fiddled with it.
"I hope you will be early enough for dinner today."
"I will try my very best, honey."
Doctor Murray grabbed his briefcase and gripped the handle tightly with his fingers. He made his way to the door, swaying it gently back and forth while blowing a kiss to Tricia with the other hand. Tricia smiled and stretched her hands backwards.

Without further delay, she stood up and headed to the kitchen to help Miss Curtney get Jose and Gillard ready for learning. Before turning in for the night, she had chatted with Billy, one of Don Mon's boys, because she was certain she needed to find out more about Ashley's past and make sure she could entice her to accept her proposal. She had to be sure before approaching Ashley because she didn't want to contaminate her reputation by returning to her previous practices in an attempt to avoid any mudslinging in the event that she rejected her proposal.

Tricia joined the crazy girl's gang while attending college because she was an adventurous person who aspired to be more daring and fun in life. She aspired to be a showoff, live a lavish lifestyle, and take better care of herself by earning more money. Being one of the crazy girls, she chose to work for the infamous and feared Don Mon, who provided her with protection among other benefits. She was one of Don Mon's favorite people and did a lot of dirty deals for him. She agreed to carry out a final transaction for Don Mon in an attempt to sever her relationship with him and free herself, which unfortunately put her in a horrible predicament. When things with Don Mon nearly got out of control, she had to ask Lady Rose for assistance.
As Tricia kept thinking about how she was going to handle the task at hand, she packed the kids' lunchboxes. She and Billy had decided to meet at Tantana Slum to talk over the specifics of the job. Having obtained Ashley's basic details from social media, she was now seeking a comprehensive background check that included any incriminating information about Ashley. She was sure that Ashley would embrace the idea, but in the unlikely event that things didn't go as planned, she knew it would be prudent to hang onto Venita.
Tricia came into the dining room just as Jose and Gillard were finishing their breakfast, almost ready for school. Jose ran to give his mother a quick hug as she held their meal packs in both hands. With a joyful smile, she gave him a hug and a soft peck on his forehead.
"Mommy, are you okay?" Jose asked, giving his mother a worried look.
"Yes, sweetheart. I hope you slept well."
"Yes, Mommy," Jose replied.
"All right. Go on and finish your breakfast."
She lightly stroked Gillard's hair and kissed his cheeks. Gillard smiled softly and continued his meal. Gillard adopted his father's gentle disposition and spoke less than Jose, who came across as a very talkative little boy. His father loved him because he spoke honestly and expressed himself like the child he was.
Miss Curtney greeted Tricia cheerily as she entered the dining room.
"Morning, Tricia."
"Morning, Miss Curtney. Are they all set?"
"Yes, please."
"I need to restock some items, so please remember to pick them up at the grocery store. I won't have time to do it myself."
"All right."
"I will be heading out soon, so just get them on the school bus when Mister Bricks arrives."
Miss Curtney responded with a nod, and Tricia proceeded to prepare herself for the day.

* * *

Tricia drove down the desolate road to Tantana, her pulse racing because she was afraid of what lay ahead. It had been a while since she went down the road she was about to plow. She wondered if it was wise for her to go down the road again, but as an afterthought, she felt it was worth it. It was a risk she had to take because she did not want Lady Rose to win. After all, she wasn't going to kill anyone, but if too many people got involved, she knew things could become messier.
The fund that Lady Rose had wired to settle the hacker was something she feared she was already tampering with, which shouldn't be, and she wasn't sure if she would recover the money in time, which could land her in more trouble. She would probably give Billy a little money in exchange for him disguising himself as the hacker, and she would tell Lady Rose that she had already hired a hacker. Tricia shook her head regretfully, counting the number of bones in her cupboard. She truly had to ensure that Dr Murray would be kept in the dark. She did not want Doctor Murray to suffer for her deeds. Don Mon had left her penniless, but she managed to manage her income, pay back the money Mrs Kate had lent her, and keep the truth from Doctot Murray by covertly handling her own financial difficulties.
Tricia was already nearing the bronze building as planned and had the down payment in cash and printed papers containing Ashley's details. After pulling into a secure spot, she texted Billy to let him know she was there. Gang members were loitering around the deserted building, suspiciously staring at Ashley's car. She didn't wait long before she saw Billy approaching the car through her rearview mirror. Old Billy still looked the same: cracked, tough, and fearless. He plopped down in the front passenger seat, and the car was filled with the strong odour of gin and cigarettes.
"Old Billy never changes!" Tricia exclaimed.
"You still look like the good old you, favorite dawg! We never saw you again after the last deal with Don Mon," came Billy's cracked voice.
"Yes, Billy. I let old things pass away."
"Do you have my bucks ready?"
"Of course. So, I just want a thorough check. I need all the details I can get. She seems to be a very private person, so I didn't get much on her socials. You will have to do the rest, including finding out if there are skeletons in her cupboard," Tricia explained as she handed Billy the papers and his bucks.
"Consider it done. You will hear from me in a week," Billy affirmed.
"Plus, I have another small task for you that will need you to pose as the hacker I hired. I will have to mention that Billy is the hacker in my deal; that's all it will take for you to act like a hacker. You don't even have to show yourself," Tricia added.
"You're going to give me the same flat rate."
"Can I give you half of that, Billy? For good ol' sake at least."
"Let's make it a deal then."
Tricia drew her hands from her bag and handed Billy some notes. Billy pocketed the notes and opened the car door to leave.
"You will hear from me," Billy assured her and left.
"All right, thanks," Tricia murmured.
She watched Billy through the rear mirror till he disappeared into the building before she turned on the car and drove away.

The New Guy; My neighbour Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя