Chapter 27 - An old wound

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"Jack! Jack! Please stay with me, brother!" Mike's agonized and beseeching voice yelled. He was powerless in his situation. Blood was still dripping from his brother's gunshot wounds as he held him in his arms.

"I didn't do it, Mike. I didn't do anything," came Jack's weak voice.

"I know. I trust you. Just stay with me. Help! Help! Help us!" Mike's voice echoed laboriously down the long, lonely road to Pearl Hospital.

The night was cold, but Mike's mind was colder than the crisp night as he drove Nita in his car on their way back from the party. Recalling how he had held his younger brother Jack in a pool of his blood while he battled for his life gave him chills. They were headed to the hospital to visit their sick mother when he was shot by an unidentified man. They were all she had, and Jack was her favourite boy. Their ailing mother then died two months later, after Jack's death.

Jack was just a freshman at Collegiate University, a highly gregarious one, and had made a couple of friends. Unfortunately, he had befriended one of the men involved in the kidnapping of Sterling David's son. The night his friend was shot and the night before he passed away, Jack fled into the house in a panic and told his dear brother everything about his involvement in the operation. He was merely an observer, sitting in the car with his friend while he gathered some documents he believed had something to do with the operation. After his friend was killed, he became fearful that he might be pursued. Mike was devastated, but he assured him that nothing would happen to him if he was not directly involved. An error in judgment that has followed Mike to this day. He was murdered in cold blood, and the police never had any meaningful investigation when he died, since the shooter committed suicide. The police said the killer left no loose ends, but after doing a lot of research, Mike thought Sterling David had sent the killer.

Ever since then, Mike has never forgotten the family of Sterling David. He was aware that Sterling was not your typical man; he was wealthy and powerful and should not be trifled with. He guarded his son like an owner would his diamond. But for his brother to pay for something he knew nothing about was something that has tormented him ever since. Jackson was a jolly good fellow; he didn't deserve such a cruel death, as Mike had always thought after his death.

Bringing his mind to the present, he wondered if he had to bring any harm to Trevor to avenge his brother's painful death. It would be easier now that Ashley would be available to cause Trevor whatever suffering he desired. Although he had desired retribution at the time, Trevor's family was not someone to be carelessly toyed with. He didn't want to get killed, but now he could damage Trevor emotionally.

Nita, who had been sleeping in the car, was startled out of her slumber as he turned into Elizabeth Street. Mike's icy responses had put Nita into an unwelcome sleep. Her gaze wavered as she glanced at Mike, whose expression conveyed that he was only physically present.

"You have been uneasy, and you look so uncomfortable since you saw Trevor. Is anything the matter, baby?"

Nita's voice rattled Mike, and he came back to the present.

"Not at all. Why should I be that concerned about him?"

"It seems you know something about him that you are not telling me. See, I want Ashley's happiness this time. I'm sure you'll let me know if there's anything you think Ashley should know about Trevor," Nita remarked as she turned to have a better look at Mike.

"I don't know much about him. The only thing I know is that he is the son of Sterling David. I can't forget the name because people kept referring to him as wealthy, so I had to do my research. His father is filthy rich."

"So it seems Ashley has mined diamonds, then. I can't wait to see Ashley smile so broad again. I really can't wait," Nita said with enthusiasm.

"She just must be careful, though," Mike said, and Nita's happy face began to change into the opposite.

"Why do you say so?" she asked.

"Nothing important, truly. Something I heard about them back then. You know the rich prefer the rich. Ashley should tread carefully. But I am sure she won't fall into any of their traps because she is such a good girl from every indication."

"But you must at least let me know so that Ashley will be more careful. Are they dangerous? I know how it is with most of them. I know."

"You are too inquisitive, baby. Why not talk about some other thing? Like your progress in your projects, what's happening in school, and all the rest. I do hope Professor Roberts has stopped pestering you."

"Professor Roberts is not a problem. I can always handle him."

"No. I want a definite answer. Yes, or no?"


"Good. I can't stand that rabbit harassing you in the name of supremacy. Why would he make comments about your cleavage and appearance? That's grossly unprofessional."

"Let him be Mike. I have told you. You know I can handle this. He's just being a sad man."

"You sound quite indulging, and I am not impressed."

"Leave the poor old man; he has passed through a lot in his 20-year-old relationship. He only sees and talks, but he won't touch. He has never touched me, and I know he won't dare."

"Be careful, baby. You can always report him if he dares any physical touch."

"I will."

Mike stopped at Nita's place, and Nita waited patiently for him to be a gentleman and open the door as he always did, but he didn't. His thoughts were racing, and he needed to get onto a map board. It was time for him to get over the death of his brother, and he wouldn't want to involve any living human, not even Nita.

"Baby, are you okay?" Nita asked worriedly.

"Of course,"

"The door"

"Oops, sorry, baby. I am contemplating the mountains of work that await me tomorrow."

"So, you are not coming in?"

"Nah, I need to work on some things. I have loads of work to do."

"Then what was with the message that you were missing me? Are you sure you are all right?" Nita asked curiously. She knew something was not right with Mike.

"Sure, I am. We will be together tomorrow. I promise. I need to rest before I work, and the night is running out quickly already."

"All right. Be fine," Nita said, but her mind was without conviction. She kissed his lips and left him in the cold car. With thoughts of Mike's attitude since meeting Trevor, she strolled towards her home. She wasn't assured that Mike was telling her everything he knew about Trevor. She knew Mike so well that she could detect his emotions. And in her sleepy mind, she knew she had some work to do.

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