Chapter 14- A rival?

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Ashley fixed her thoughtful gaze on the car's windshield. The blues music filled the car with its melancholic, sombre tone, reminding her of the reality of her life. Trevor, on the other hand, seemed to be savouring the occasion as he hummed along to the song. Though Ashley preferred the silence between them, she found the drive to the movie theatre to be boring. Ashley was willing to repress her feelings for Trevor, even if they were real since she didn't want to feel anything for anyone at the moment.

She just couldn't bring herself to accept that she was starting to feel something for him. She wanted to figure out her life before committing to another relationship. Compared to her close peers, she seemed to be doing fairly well at age 25, considering her low beginnings, but she yearned for more and didn't want any more distractions in her life. She felt that she just needed to put in more effort at work because her income was so meagre that she could not even consider engaging in frivolous spending. She desired a life of luxury and the ability to purchase anything she desired, and she wanted that life to be legitimate. If there was one thing she had learned from her mother, it was never to attempt to use money as an excuse to engage in illegal activity. She was presented with that chance numerous times, but she turned it down.

Trying very hard not to let Ashley know he was watching, Trevor would occasionally catch glimpses of Ashley through the corners of his eyes. Considering Ashley's state of mind, Trevor wanted to say more but wasn't sure if it was appropriate at that moment. He needed answers and wanted to ask questions, but he wasn't sure if it was appropriate to discuss personal matters just yet. In an attempt to strike up a conversation, Trevor turned down the music.

"I hope you feel better now, Ashley," Trevor uttered, making Ashley to snap back to the present.

"I am, sure, sure. I definitely feel better. You have a pretty ride, I must say."

"O, gomawo!..."

"What's that language? I have never heard that before."

"It's Korean."

"Korean? Do you speak Korean?"

"Greeting Greetings is the only thing I can say in Korean. My mom is half-Korean, but she speaks Korean sparingly. Her mother's parents are Korean; they immigrated long before her mother was born, so she lived all her life here."

"Wow, interesting. I heard Koreans are beautiful people."

"Awesome people with an awesome culture. I had a great time on my one and only visit, even though I was still very small."

"But why don't you look Korean in any way? Apparently, you took your father's traits, which is unfair to your mother's Korean ancestry."

"Most definitely."

"Aha. You have strong Caucasian features."

"Very correct. I do get that a lot," Trevor affirmed.

Trevor hurried to help Ashley with the door after pulling into James and Mills.

Ashley remarked, "I hope I am not underdressed for this," as she peered down at her attire to assess whether it was appropriate for the occasion.

"You need not be worried about your dress. Whether or not you feel comfortable with them is, in my opinion, the most crucial factor. We can get you better clothes from the closest store if you're not."

"Off we go, Trevor. I do not have much money to spend."

"I never meant your money. I would foot the bills."

"Bother not, Trevor. This looks more perfect than I had thought." Admiring the picture of herself that she saw in the reflection of the shining car, Ashley remarked in a reassuring manner.

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