Chapter 11 - In Love

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Trevor dragged the weight plate back and forth, his core tight and his body stable, as he performed the plate switch workout. He'd already spent up to 30 minutes in his home gym and was sweating profusely. The tempo of the music made it easier for him to stay energised and complete his 45-minute goal. He had intended to work out in the morning, but after outdoing himself in the hospital, his morning plans went awry, forcing him to reschedule and find time in the evening. Ashley had fallen asleep on his shoulders because it had taken so long for the nurses to call them in. By the time the nurse called them in, they were completely worn out.
He felt puffed after completing a bench press to cap off his workout. He gasped for air as he lay on his side on the yoga mat. He asked Alexa to play a different song.
"Alexa, play any of my favourite country music"
"Okay. Here is "I'm on fire."
Trevor used his fitness towel to pat himself dry while humming along to the tune. He was so engrossed that he didn't notice the door's keypad beeping to let Katie in. She loomed over Trevor, who flinched when Katie tapped him on the shoulder.
"Wuw, Katie, you startled me," he responded with a shriek.
"Yeah, it's obvious. I was expecting a punch."
"I would have given you a punch, but it was just a tap," Trevor said as he leaned back on the floor, "but why couldn't you even wait for me to finish? What's so urgent?"
Are you suggesting that I am no longer allowed to work out in this house's gym whenever I please or that I can no longer be in the gym while you are here? Hmmm, you've grown thick skin lately, you know," Katie replied as she clasped her hands behind her back.
"You don't share things with me as usual; you're just a loner, becoming distant by the day. It's worrisome. What's happening? And what have you been up to? You drove out recklessly last night."
"Can we take this one at a time? You are suffocating me with too many questions."
"So, what is the recent attitude you have been giving me? You keep avoiding personal conversations with me. And that's what's unusual. Are you up to something?"
"What do you want now, Katie? I'm good. There has not been much happening, so nothing to share, I must say.
"Suit yourself then," Katie responded, raising her shoulders.
"I have been observing that Mr. Hull leaves this house more than I should allow, more than "we" should allow. He is on duty, so I wonder why he keeps leaving the house in the middle of duty. And just when I thought I was overthinking, I caught him leaving Tricia's house twice."
"It could be anything; maybe he has been helping Tricia out or something."
"If so, then we should be in the know. Tricia has children in the house, and he shouldn't be going in and out of there as he pleases. I think I will talk to Tricia about it later because I am becoming weary and suspicious of him. For an elderly person, he has too much up his sleeves."
"So, tell me about last night. Why were you running helter-skelter? You almost hit me."
Trevor looked at Katie and sighed. Katie was the most assertive person he had ever seen; she always had to get her way in everything. He sat up straight after carefully removing his back from the yoga mat.
"I was just helping a neighbour in need. Ashley's brother was involved in a bus crash," Trevor replied dismissively.
"O no, that must be heartbreaking for her." Katie opened her mouth wide in surprise and pitifully shook her head.
"Sure. She was devastated."
"It must be stupid to ask, but how did you get to know about this?"
"Well, well, I took a walk down the street, and we met, and somewhere along the way, she got a call that her brother had been admitted. I had no choice but to assist her because she was utterly perplexed."
"It's fine that you could help, but keep in mind that Father does not want you driving on unfamiliar roads. That was why we employed Mister Roy."
"Why do we have a map for Chrissake? You all seem to be growing increasingly paranoid and overprotective. I really can't deal."
"Whatever. Do you recall your abduction at the university?"
"That was just some shithole guys playing stupid pranks. It was nothing serious."
"A prank that made you receive medical attention for two weeks? Trevor, please understand that we are acting rationally and not in a paranoid manner. It makes sense why Dad constantly compares you to your grandfather—overly eager and forward. Are you ever afraid of death? You always do things spontaneously, without proper forecasting and planning."
"I'm not sure where you're going with your endless conversations this evening or why you're talking about me instead of your big wedding, which will be a disaster if you don't focus on the planning."
"Yeah, I hear you. And, aside from whining, what have you done to assist me thus far?"
"Big weddings don't interest me, as you know. I just don't want you to cry me a river when things go wrong."
"It's not going to happen. I have been doing my best. Moreover, I want to employ the expertise of Venita so that I will have less to worry about."
"Venita? You are inviting her to Hammock? Numerous brilliant planners in Hammock can help you. Why Venita?"
"I am still thinking about it, but I guess so. Even if there were, Venita could just be there to help."
"It's not my wedding, so I don't have much to say about decisions regarding the preparation."
"Do you have a thing for Venita? Does she interest you?'
"Not at all. We just had fun."
"Fun, you say?"
"Sure. Nothing else."
The music seemed to be getting louder for Trevor. He asked Alexa to turn down the volume.
"Alexa, turn down the music; I need some quiet."
"Okay, turning down the music."
Spread-legged, Katie sat on the exercise bench, fiddling with her hair and staring blankly at nothing in particular.
Trevor shot to his feet, mentally preparing to leave the gym. He held up his phone to see if there was a message when he heard it beep. Ashley had sent him a note to express her gratitude for the night before. As he read the short message, his face lit up with joy.
"Why are you smiling mischievously, Trevor? You truly are up to something. It had better be good." Katie said this with several nods of her head.
Trevor chuckled and turned to leave the gym, while Katie continued to look at him strangely.

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