Chapter 20 - Time travel 2; The origin

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Rose carefully tiptoed to the rear exit gate of Smith David's '60s mansion and unlocked it slowly and quietly. This was just another of her regular attempts to see her dear Steve. With her tiny torch clenched between her teeth and her body wrapped in a coat, she darted into the night and made her way slowly to their favourite rendezvous; the little body of water behind Smith David's mansion. In the chilly night, Rose could hear the sounds of seagulls calling, nightbirds chirping, and leaves whispering to one another. Except for eerie tiny creatures that she could only see by torchlight, the moon provided enough light for her to see clearly in the pitch-black night.

She continued to see Steve against her father's wishes because she was so overcome with love that she had never given the repercussions of her actions any serious thought. Her father had repeatedly admonished her to resist succumbing to Steve's charms. Mr Smith said Steve was a nobody who would never amount to anything, and he was not prepared to give any of his riches to a complete moron. Beautiful Rose disregarded all of her parents' cautions and advice. The low status of Steve's family didn't bother her because she was enamoured of him. She waited tensely for Steve to arrive as she sat on the large, heavy tree log that was always there and seemed to be waiting for them. Steve was not yet in sight, but she knew he would be there soon.

It didn't take long for her to feel something tickle her waist from behind. She forced herself to stand up and spun around to look at Steve, who was grinning contagiously at her. He embraced her firmly, putting his hands around her waist and giving her a deep, passionate kiss on the lips. Rose tucked the torch into her coat, pressed her tongue further into his mouth, and held him tight with one hand, her soft fingers caressing his beaded chest.

"What delayed you, my love?" Rose asked, looking up so that her eyes could meet his. If Rose had to pick just one thing she cherished about Steve, it would be his height.

"Grandma woke up coughing uncontrollably when it was time for me to leave, so I had to tend to her a little. I am sorry I kept you waiting. I hope I did not annoy you."

"I am not upset. I can still feel your heartbeat pounding, so at least you moved quickly after."

"I wanted to meet you as quickly as I could."

They sat on the log, facing each other, and savoured the moment as Steve held her hand.

"I got words from your father saying I should cut ties with you. I do not know what I have done. Maybe being the child of a poor farmer is the only offence I have committed."

"My father sent you word?"

"Yes. I do not know how we can navigate this. It appears that we are at a crossroads. Nobody in your family wants me. I am of no good to your father. I am unworthy of being a part of your family."

"Do not say such things, my love. Do you not love me? I thought our love would conquer all. You've always said so."

"I do not believe it is prudent for you to give up the life your family has given you for the peasant life I have to offer you at this time, though. You will not survive in my care, Rose. You are too soft, and I fear I might hurt you if we do this our way."

"I know my father well enough. Even if I marry you, he will not let me suffer."

"But he threatened you," Steve said.

"Those are empty threats. I was adopted, remember?"

"I do not mean to scare you, but I don't think they are empty threats. Your father takes great pride in his winery, and he cannot allow a peasant like me to partake in handling such a priceless asset. Moreover, I learned they searched across the length and breadth of Boulevard for a noble child they could adopt. They didn't just adopt any blood."

"I understand your fears, but can we not talk about this and enjoy the night? I do not want to think about not being with you."

Steve gave her a very admiring glance and pulled her in closer. Gently, he reached for her coat and pulled it off to reveal her silky nightgown. She was clad only in her string underwear and the translucent, silky nightgown that helped cover her chest. She moaned as Steve touched her small, pointed nipples. He proceeded, reached down and dipped his fingers until he could feel her wetness. Rose gasped, and he stopped.

"Am I hurting you? Maybe we should wait."

"No. Don't stop now," Rose whispered. "For how long shall we continue to procrastinate it?"

"I do not want you to hurt your body in the process. This place is not good enough for the memory of a first time."

Rose eased her body out of Steve's tender grasp.

"Your home is not good enough, and this is still not good enough? I never complained, Steve."

"It is my duty as a man to see that I make the first time with you memorable. I'll set up a cozy spot here before you arrive next time. I will prepare for it, Rose. You are too special for this."

"If you say so, let's wait then. So that I can make memories with you."

Steve reached down inside his baggy pants to retrieve a gift that he had wrapped specially for Rose.

"What's that?"

"I made you that special type of bread roll again."

"Good heavens, Steve!" Rose exclaimed.

Steve unwrapped it to reveal three rolls of bread that were already flattened from the rough packing and the small space they had been crammed into. Steve used to make a family bread that had a hint of rancid milk added to it, and Rose loved it.

"Thank you, Steve," Rose replied, her eyes shimmering under the moonlight. She excitedly took the rolls and began to eat them.

"I love the way you love me, Steve." Rose smiled sheepishly.

"How can I not love a special woman in a special way?" Steve asked rhetorically.

Steve's only concern was that their happy days might be coming to an end. He was being very cautious to avoid the wrath of Rose's father. Rose put her head on Steve's chest and kept chewing on the bread.

"Can you finish up the bread more quickly? I think we need to be more cautious because your father has his eyes on us these days."

"All right." Rose chewed faster on the last roll of bread. Before returning to his house, Steve would always accompany her until she reached the gate. Rose hurriedly finished the last roll, and they prepared to head out. Steve assisted in bringing her down from the tree log. He leaped from the log and pulled her towards him.

"No matter what happens, Rose, always remember how much I love you."

"Stop scaring me. Are you going to die or what?"

"Hell no. Just assuring you of my love for you."

Steve kissed her and gave her a gentle pat on the hair.

"Let's go, my love," Steve said softly.

He took her coat, clasped her hand in his, and they strolled hand in hand to Rose's house. They strolled happily through the quiet night with the gentle wind blowing through Rose's silky nightdress. Trees whistled, and night birds persisted in their chirping.

They had already gotten to the gate, and Steve held her hand loosely. As they turned to face one another and bid each other good night, Steve asked, "When do you think we can see again?"

"I will be at Vicky's store tomorrow by 3."

"All right. I will see you then, my love."

They kissed each other goodnight, and Steve left once she had locked the door behind her. Rose crept cautiously into the house, but as she got to her room and sat happily reminiscing about their meeting, she heard a startling scream from outside.

The New Guy; My neighbour Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon