Chapter 35

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The bustling day began again.

With two dark circles under her eyes, Qiao Ya waited impatiently at the street-side shop for the steamed buns to be ready.

Soon, the steamer was opened, and the fragrant steam dispersed. Qiao Ya took a bag of fresh meat buns and hurried back to the car.

Sun Zhou was slouched in the passenger seat, covered with a blanket, sound asleep.

Qiao Ya nudged him. "It's mealtime. Here's your favorite pork and scallion bun."

Sun Zhou reluctantly opened his eyes a crack, aloof. "I'm not hungry."

Qiao Ya got angry. "I've been driving all night, and I'm the one feeling tired. Why are you pretending to be dead? Get up and eat!"

Sun Zhou grumbled and sat up.

Qiao Ya, being cautious and driving slowly, plus Sun Zhou's insistence on taking detours, meant that even after driving all night, they were still on the road.

Sun Zhou took the plastic bag from Qiao Ya's hand. "You have the keys to your uncle's house, right?"

Qiao Ya nodded. "Yes, I do."

Her uncle, an empty-nester, had left the keys to his city house with Qiao Ya before retiring to the countryside, asking her to visit and tidy up occasionally.

"I'll stay at your uncle's house first, just to be safe."

"Is it necessary?" Qiao Ya thought he was exaggerating. "Can MLM schemes really come to your door and arrest you?"

Sun Zhou sighed at her. "How many times do I have to say it's not MLM? They haven't asked me for money or to buy anything; they just said they want to treat my injuries."

Qiao Ya retorted, "People can be so kind-hearted. Why don't you stay and get treated instead of running away? You even hit someone. If something bad happens, they might charge you with intentional injury."

Sun Zhou snorted and pulled out a bun from the bag. "Ya Ya, you lack social experience. People's hearts are wicked. When you're dealing with others, you have to be vigilant. I've been cooperative, but I've been observing details all along. I don't think these people are legitimate. They act sneaky, talk behind my back, and whisper so I can't hear. Their treatment methods are disgusting and unhygienic. And why did they lock my door at night? If it's just treatment, why treat me like a criminal? Yes, they're being polite to me now, but pig farmers also take good care of their pigs, keeping them warm and fed. But what happens in the end? They still end up slaughtered.

After considering all of the above, the more I think about it, the more I feel like leaving is the best option! If he dares to sue me for intentional injury, I'll dare to sue him for illegal detention," Sun Zhou said as he opened the bun, "Besides, the hospital in Ankang isn't competent enough. We can go to Xi'an, or at worst, there's still Beijing and Shanghai. Do we really have to rely on folk remedies? Oh damn, why is this bun smelling bad?"

Qiao Ya was taken aback. "Really?"

She took the half of the bun that Sun Zhou had opened and smelled it, a scent of fresh meat mixed with scallions and oil, incredibly fragrant.

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