Chapter 54

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Yan Tuo was a bit puzzled: "The death penalty? Is that person a juror?"

As far as he remembered, in foreign countries, jurors often vote on the death penalty. He wasn't sure if this system existed in China. But then he realized, no, the people on the list were familiar to him, and he had analyzed them from various angles: most of their professions required little skill, mostly manual labor like flower cultivation, service staff, or singers in bars. Jurors, a relatively professional role, were not among them.

Lin Ling said, "I don't know either. That person probably feared arousing suspicion from the driver. After hanging up, he groundlessly explained that it was a criminal from their area, not yet sentenced. There was a public opinion survey in the newspaper to see if more people supported the death penalty or not. The driver didn't think much about it and was fooled."

"But if you think about that sentence carefully, what does 'Your opposition is futile, everyone has already voted' mean? The death penalty is decided by the court, not by a public vote. And then there's an emphasis on 'abiding by the rules.' It's all very strange."

Indeed, it was strange, especially coming from the mouth of someone suspected of being a mastermind.

Yan Tuo's heart skipped a beat. He forced himself to calm down: It didn't seem right. If Xiong Hei wanted Jiang Baichuan dead, he could do it with a snap of his fingers. Was there any need to consult others?

Before hanging up, he asked Lin Ling, "Have you been sleeping well at night lately?"

Lin Ling knew what he meant. "I've been okay."

Yan Tuo breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't think too much. Maybe you were just anxious during that period."

Lin Ling fell silent for a moment and then said softly, "It could also be because everyone has gone out recently, and I'm the only one here."

Everyone had gone out. The pervert who sneaked into her room at night had also gone out.

This possibility couldn't be ruled out. Yan Tuo said, "Lock the door when you sleep at night, make sure the surveillance devices are fully charged. If something happens while you're awake, pretend you don't know, don't resist, don't alert that person. Wait until they leave before doing anything."

Lin Ling hummed in response, her voice trembling slightly.

Yan Tuo ended the call with a heavy heart, without offering any comforting words. He wasn't a mother hen who could shelter her under his wings.

Moreover, he couldn't let her become too dependent on him. What if one day, he died?

After hanging up, he studied the profiles of those few individuals.

The two going to Shihuo, one was named Chen Fu, in his thirties, living in Linyi, Shandong Province, working as a forklift driver, obviously a physically strong type. The other was named Han Guan, in his twenties, living in Changsha, handsome but somewhat slick-looking, working in large-scale event security. He often appeared at car shows, celebrity concerts, and other events.

Going to Shihuo...

Yan Tuo's heart stirred. Could they be going to support South Ba, the Monkey Head?

Looking at the three going to the farm, if they hadn't appeared on the same list, they would have seemed unrelated.

The oldest, named Li Yueying, in her sixties, ran a paper-cutting shop in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. Yangzhou paper-cutting was a national-level intangible cultural heritage. If forced to associate, she was somewhat related to Nie Jiuluo's line of work.

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