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Valentina's POV

After I dropped Collette off back at the park I immediately called Stella.

Stella is basically my best friend. Even though we've only basically known each other each other for the last four years now, she's important to me. I've opened up to her about a lot of stuff that I never would've dared to open about to anyone else.

Stella is also one of the richest, most wealthy, people I know and she has very many friends and contacts in high places. She owns a global business and multiple shares in other companies but she lives such a humble life. From first glance you'd never assume she's rich, a bitch yes but never rich.

"Stella." I said running my hands through my hair as I stopped at a red light while driving.

"Hi what's up?" She asked me over the phone while it was connected to my car Bluetooth system.

"Are you busy? Is it okay if I come over?" I ask her. I'd usually just go over but I know she's been busy lately.

"I'm not busy today come over, but Lottie is off at the office today so I'm stuck with an ill Emy and clingy Nat."

"I'll be there soon yeah?" I said

"Bring apple juice please. Save me a trip." She said and I agreed before hanging up and driving to her house with a quick stop at the store.

I pulled up in her driveway and took Artemis with me as we entered her front door.

I let Artemis off this leash and took his harness off letting him roam the house until he found Leo who was close by.

"Aunty Val!" I heard a small voice as I walked into the living room.

"Hi Natty." I said as she wrapped her little arms around my leg and I rubbed her back. "Where's mama?" I added asking the three year old.

"She went with Emilia. She left me." She whined.

"I didn't leave you querida. Emilia is sick so I went to put to sleep. And I think it's nap time for you."

"Mama, it's morning time. And aunty Val is here." She said clinging to my leg

"Okay, you can go play." She said and Natalia headed to the play room which wasn't too far from the lounge. "And work?" Stella asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"I called out for today. Listen I need a favour."

"Am I going to get it back favor or is this a Favor?" She questioned emphasising the word favour the second time.

"It's a favour." I said standing straight so she knew I was serious.

"Okay." She agreed and we both walked to the lounge where we can sit.

"How much can do you know on an Oliver Hollis?"

"Who the fuck is that?" She asked me

"Oliver Hollis. The man has pissed me off this early already." I ran my hands through my hair.

"I'll ask Rico, then he'll ask Elliot. I'll let you know tonight, good enough?" She asked and said sensing my anger and nerves.

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