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I couldn't sleep all night, I was nervous and excited yet sad. But I wasn't going to miss the classes or the people but more so the memories.

The girls and I were getting ready at my house. We have been since six this morning. Zoë's dad came along as well so him and Colton have been talking for what feels like forever.

Kinsley has been more than excitedly helping us.

We had to be at school by ten but somehow the time didn't feel like it was enough.

We all had similar satin dresses. Mine was blue with a bit of a scrunched top and a frilled layered bottom. I wore it with white heels and gold jewellery. I put my hair half up, half down and did a good amount of makeup.

Birdie had a white dress exactly the same style as mine and she wore black heels with gold jewellery too. Her hair was down and had the perfect amount of volume to it.

Zoë was wearing a dress similar to ours except it was a dark shade of purple with a square neckline she wore it with a pair of nude heels. Her hair pulled back into a slick back ponytail and she had silver jewellery.

Once we were all ready we threw on our blue cap and gowns and drove to school. Nervous shooting through us. We were all so nervy but excited for it to finally all be over.

We arrived at school and the first person I spotted was Val on the stage. She looked amazing, she was wearing a black pants suit without a blazer and just a waistcoat. She had her hair down and cold look on her face as she sat amongst the other teachers.

"Aunty Zoë!" Emilia ran up to Zoë with Natalia by her side.

"Hi Emy." Zoë hugged them both.

They aren't related to us in anyway but to them because we're dating their aunts, they think we're their aunts too. They've grown too, they're four now and the few times I have been around them since, they're naughty as hell. Mainly Emilia.

"Your dress is pretty, did you chose it yourself?" Natalia asked.

"I did." Zoë said to them.

"And did you choose yours too aunty collect?" Emilia asked.

"Emilia, Collette. Say it nicely." Natalia said, Emilia rolled her eyes and Zoë and Birdie burst out  laughing.

"Aunty Collette. It's what I said."

"You finally got it Emy." I gave her a high five.

"See told you Nat." Emilia countered as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm telling mama, your eyes are going to get stuck like that." Natalia ran away and Emilia followed.

The girls and I took our seats and waited. We talked about everything that could possibly happen to us in college, the parties, the freedom, possibly being in a room together. It was all so exciting to us.

An hour passed and the ceremony was in full swing. People were being called up and got to shake hands. The three of us waited for our turns, holding each other's hands waiting for the moment we could toss our tassels and caps in the air.

"Axel George." Mrs Morris said. The crowd applauded and his family and other people cheered for him.

Nothing was really embarrassing today because we were all in the same boat. All our families were cheering for us so no one really had a chance to be embarrassed.

"Zoë Hassan." Mrs Morris called into the microphone.

Zoë walked up with a huge smile on her face. The crowd erupted into congratulatory applauses from everyone from everyone one of Quinn and Vals friends and her dad. Quinn and her dad being the loudest of the bunch.

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