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Valentina's POV

Collette and I have been curled up on the couch all day long. Watching The Rookie.

Yesterday, I went to dinner at her house and I was nervous but I don't let anyone know I'm nervous. No matter the case.

It went over better than I expected to be honest. Colton is a good guy. From the way he greeted me at their front door to the time we both left. I'm good at reading people and all but I couldn't even place an ounce of annoyance or obligation towards the night.

And Kinsley is exactly like Stella's twins, she talks a lot like Emilia but also takes a bit of time to get used to new people like Natalia. Her family is sweet.

Collette is laying on the other end of the couch with her feet propped up on me. The house heating is on and we're both lounging around, still in our pyjamas.

"Are you even watching?" She asked from across the couch.

"I'd be lying if I said I was." I shrugged still looking at her.

"Why? It's really good."

"Because I'd rather look at you instead." I said and she immediately blushed.

"Stop." She said with a small smile.

My hands rested on her ankles tracing lightly upwards and downwards with my fingertips.

She really is precious. She's got brown eyes that I've noticed shine brighter when she's next to a fire than they do in the sun. And when she smiles and it reaches all the way to her ears, she has dimples. She's really cute when she gets angry, her ears go red and her head remains in a permanent tilt until she's not anymore. When she's happy she walks on her toes every couple steeps instead of a flat foot. And she's impatient, for the things that she should be waiting for.

There's a list of things I could name that make me so attracted to her but I'm sure my hands would be broken, from writing, if I ever found a reason to stop.

"Are you okay?" I asked her softly.

"Mhm, I am. I'm just thinking."

"Go on, tell me what about." I turned giving her my full attention.

"Nothing just, I'm really happy yesterday went over well. I was nervous, so incredibly nervous. But it ended up being all okay. And I'm really happy." She said sitting up reaching her legs more over me.

"It did which is good. And I could tell you were nervous my love, but it ended being all okay." I reassured her.

"Yeah." She lay back down and her knees and calves were over me.

I tried to pay attention to her favourite show but I couldn't. Her hair rested on a lions main and she looked better in my clothes than I did.

I ran my hand over her legs just in a soothing manner while she watched the show.

She lifted off the couch and straddle me. I was surprised. I placed my hands on her so she didn't fall or anything.

"You're like the greatest person I've ever met." She smiled softly and her arms flew around me.

"You too baby." I placed a small kiss to her lips.

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