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Collette's POV

The rest of me and Val's valentines weekend was amazing.

To be honest I was shocked when we showed up to the cabin. It was so pretty up there, and it was only thirty minutes outside for the Hamptons.

We shared a bunch of moments together, talked a lot, laid in each other's comfort in silence and of course had sex until our hearts dropped.

I really couldn't have asked for more.

Valentina also helped me with my college essay which I finally submitted to my dream college, as well as some safety schools like, ucla, brown, Chicago university & university of pennsylvania.

During our valentines weekend, Val said that she fell in love with me, which confused me because I thought she already loved me.

She said of course she did but it was different. I love her but how does it feel different for you to fall in love?

But it's been two weeks since that all happened and things have been going great. I spent last weekend at Val's house curled in her arms. We didn't really go out unless it was to take Artemis on a walk in which case I'd stay behind while she left for the odd thirty minutes where I missed her entirely or when either of us went to shower.

Either of us would step I'm and it'd turn into copious amounts of shower sex.

But today is Wednesday, and my birthdays on Friday. I wasn't excited for my birthday but when Val said she wanted to do something special for me, I agreed.

Colton also said I could stay home from school on Friday. Inevitably granting me a free pass to stay at Valentina's place all of Friday.

But knowing Colton with every other thing, there was conditions. I had to have a birthday breakfast with them all on Friday morning before going to Valentina's house.

A small price to pay for a complete extra day with my girlfriend.

"Letty!" Zoë called out to me excitedly as she came into english.

"Hi Zo." I smiled at her.

"How does it feel to finally be turning nineteen on Friday?" She asked excitedly.

"Same as it felt to turn 18 babes." I said earning a laugh from her.

"Okay obviously, you have the birthday celebration with birdie and I." She said.

"Like every year Zo."

"Yeah but I also think you'll like what Val's present is for you." She said.

"What did she get me? More importantly how do you know?" I asked her.

"Quinn and I were on FaceTime together when they were together and she was doing it." She explained. It was confusing but I followed as best as I could.

"Okay..." I trailed off.

"I think you'll like it. It's cute too." She said just as other students flew into the class.

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