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"You've really come a long way Letty." Malorie said to me as I sat on the couch.

I've been in therapy for the last four months. It's close to the end of April which means it's the beginning of spring. The flowers are blooming everywhere and the trees have new green leaves.

When Val and I had our first Friday, I was over the moon especially since I only left her house on Saturday evening. We didn't even finish watching Chestnut and instead went upstairs.

Recreating our first date was the best thing I could've suggested.

We've officially only got six more Fridays until I graduate. Until we can spend endless amounts of time together.

We've had four Fridays so far, each one has been better than the last. This Friday is driving me crazy though, it's the Friday I find out if I've been accepted into NYU or not.

I've gotten into Chicago university and UCLA but I was sadly rejected from University of Miami and Brown. I'm crossing everything in me that I get into NYU.

Not talking to Val on a regular basis has gotten better and it's forced me to try new things to distract me from picking up the phone to call her.

For that exact reason I've taken up pottery along with Zoë since she's going through it too.

Zoë and Quinn broke up.

Quinn decided they'd take a break just until Zoë finds out what college she's going to because Quinn can't handle the distance if Zoë goes far.

The three of us really want to go NYU but if it doesn't happen for us we've got backup school, both me and Zoë's back up school is Chicago University while Birdie is still deciding.

We're crossing our fingers.

All in all, Zoë and I have made almost fifteen things in pottery. Everything from mugs and plates to vases and jewellery pots.

"How are you feeling about college?" She asked me.

"I don't know, I mean this friday is the day I find out if I get into NYU." I said sitting in front.

"Do you think you'll get in?"

"I don't know, I had a slip up this year where my grades took a dip but they've been back up since so I'm hoping it was enough. It's my dream school." I said.

"What do you want to study in college?"

"Criminology." I said confidently.

I wanted to be a lawyer at first like my mom but after she died it felt too painful. I still wanted something as thrilling as law. At first I thought a detective then a forensic scientist like Zoë but criminology caught my attention more.

Something about solving cases and solving the unsolvable. It's gives me a thrill I guess.

"Is there any particular reason why you chose criminology specifically, and not another field?" She asked.

"I don't know, it found it interesting. I guess it stemmed from law, which was my first option. But when my mom died it became too hard, I still wanted something in the same area and I looked into criminology. I guess it just stuck." I said to her.

"That's really great Letty. You're still following your heart." She offered a small smile. "And your relationship? Is your girlfriend supportive? Or prepared for the possibility of you going to a college further away?"

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