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They both sighed. They knew he wouldn't forgive them this easily but they were glad that at least he is not flinching in their presence.

**Next day**

Yoongi and jin were making breakfast. Jin sensed that something is wrong with the younger since yesterday. He asked with a voice filled with concern "yoongiah........is something bothering you?"

Yoongi stopped chopping vegetables and looked at him "I don't know from where, you always got to know how I'm feeling. No matter how much I try I can never hide my feelings from you"

Jin chuckled and said "that's right you can never hide you feelings in from me now tell me what happened"

Yoongi looked down and said "actually....I did something and now I regret it" he sighed and and counting "yesterday we had a meeting and I scolded or kinda humiliated jimin in front of everyone.......(Told everything)

"Kim yoongi How many times do I have to tell you to control your anger?" Said jin being fed up of his brother. He continued "That's why jimin was looking so upset yesterday"

"I think I should apologise to him" said yoongi. Jin stopped him and said "not now...I mean firstly let everything between him tae and jungkook become normal then apologise to him and I hope this will never happen again"

Yoongi immediately shook his head and said "no no hyung I'll never do it again"

Time skips
After a week

In this whole week Jimin and tae did everything to gain jungkook's forgiveness. Every morning before jungkook woke up, they used to place a cute apology letter near his bed. Sometimes they used to keep some gifts along with the apology letter.

While coming from work, jimin and tae buy jungkook's favourite snacks like pastries, chocolates etc and keep them in jungkook's room when everyone is on the dinner table.

Jungkook was really appreciating their way of apology but he still couldn't forgive them.

Jungkook was advised to take at least 10 days leave from school so Everyday anyone except tae and jimin stayed with him at home

All hyungs were still ignoring jimin and tae. They both apologised to them several times but every time they said they would only forgive them when jungkook will forgive them

Today jimin and tae bought X box which jungkook wanted since months. He was promised that they would buy it for him if he got more than 85% in his final exams.

It is currently 7 in the morning. Jimin and tae were walking towards jungkook's room to keep the X box in his room.

Tae peaked inside jungkook's room to check whether the younger is asleep. To their bad luck today jungkook is wake at this time. Seeing jungkook awake tae mentally cursed and said to jimin who was standing behind him holding the perfectly wrapped X box "he is awake"

Jimin scoffed and said " tae stop lying at this hour....he never wakes up this early"

Tae shook his head and said "ok don't believe me look yourself" he said pointing at jungkook's door

Jimin rolled his eyes and peaked inside while saying "see I told you he never wakes up thi- fuck! Why did he woke up this early"

Tae laughed at jimin's reaction and said "I told you"

Jimin hit his shoulder and said "We'll keep it in his room tomorrow"

**After sometime**

Everyone except jungkook and jin left for their workplaces. Today jin decided to stay with his youngest brother

They both were playing random videos on YouTube. Suddenly a video of a cake popped up. Jungkook paused the video and said "hyung can you bake a cake please"

Jin smiled at jungkook and said "cake? Why so Suddenly?"

Jungkook pointed at his phone and said "because of this video now I am craving for cake and everyone knows you make the best cake so please make it hyung...its been so many days you didn't make a cake " he said in a very cute voice while making cute and funny face. Now who is jin to refuse it. He chuckled at his funny face and said  "ok ok I'll make it"

They both went to the kitchen. Jin gathered all the ingredients required and jungkook was sitting on the kitchen counter.

After sometime they heard the sound of doorbell. Jungkook got down from the kitchen counter to open the door but jin stopped him and said "you sit I'll open it" Jungkook agreed and again sat on the counter. He started talking about random things. Jin was as usual paying his full attention to the younger's talks.

Jin opened the door and was surprised to see Jimin and tae standing there. Jin got curious why they were here at this time. Although he was not supposed to talk to them but curiosity got the best of him "why are you both here at this time"

Jimin and tae got surprised seeing jin talking to them. It was the first time in this whole week when jin initiated the conversation "Today is Saturday hyung so it was my half day" said tae smiling widely at his jin hyung

Jin realised and said "oh yes you have half days on Saturdays.... And you why are you here " he said pointing at jimin

"I finished all the work today in the office so I thought about coming home then I remembered that it is tae's half day so I picked him up that's why we came together" explained jimin

Jin nodded and said "come" saying this he left from there

Jungkook saw jin coming inside and said "who was on the door hyu-"
He stopped speaking when he saw jimin and tae entering.
Jungkook made an annoyed face and jin laughed at it because it was looking very cute

Jin again started making the cake and jungkook again started with his random talks.

Jin was mixing the batter but stopped when he heard his phone ringing. He picked it up "hello.... Yes.... It is really important.... ok I am coming" he ended the call and looked at jungkook with apologetic eyes "I am sorry jungkook I can't make this cake I have to go to hospital it is an emergency"

Jungkook gave him an assuring smile and said "it's ok hyung cake can wait the... The patient needs you more"

Jin smiled proudly at him but his smile dropped when he realised something "but jimin and tae are also home I know they both won't do anything but will you be able to stay at home"

Jungkook assured him and said "don't worry about me hyung I'll be fine just go"

Jin kissed his forehead and left after informing jimin and tae that he is going

After 1 hour

Jungkook was in his room. He was studying while sitting on his bed.

Jimin and tae were in tae's room scrolling their phones. Since all hyungs started ignoring them, they both stay with each other almost every time.

They both flinched suddenly when they heard a loud thunderstorm.

Jimin kept his phone down and said while holding his chest " gosh....that was so loud"

Tae looked outside from the window and said "The weather is getting very bad, it looks like it is going to rain very heavily"

Jimin hummed and again started using his phone. It started lightning more loudly. And it didn't stop even after a few minutes.

Suddenly they both realised something and together "jungkook"

They both dropped their phones and immediately ran to jungkook's room.

When they opened the door, their heart broke into million pieces seeing jungkook's state

To be continued

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned

Thankyou 💜

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