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Time skips

It's been three days since yoongi apologized to jimin. He noticed that jimin is not being how he used to be with him like jimin was kind of distancing himself from him. It hurts yoongi seeing jimin close with everyone else but distanced with him.
In the office also he noticed jimin being fully professional with him even when no one was around.

And about jimin, almost everyone in the office thinks bad about and behaves rudely with him. initially those 3  employees Max lucas and James would just talk about him behind his back only or gave him judgmental looks then they would indirectly taunt him about being their boss's slut but now they all started bulling him. They would make cheap and hurtful comments about jimin in front of him. Basically they 3 made jimin's office hours a hell like They would often overwork him or always criticised his works. Jimin told that yoongi is his brother but they didn't believe him. Those three would also call jimin with filthy names. Jimin tried his best to not make their words affect him. But all of this was making him depressed and he felt that distancing himself with yoongi would be best for now.

All of this is unknown to yoongi. Yoongi doesn't even have a single idea that his brother is being bullied in his own office. Jimin doesn't want to involve yoongi in this because he thinks he can handle all of this alone. Not many people knows about jimin's bulling because of course those 3 employees doesn't do it in front of everyone. However those people who are aware of it didn't bother to report it to yoongi because for them seeing jimin getting bullied and called names was more fun than reporting it to anyone.

It was lunch time now so yoongi thought to take jimin out for lunch to spend some time with him. Yoongi would always do something to spend time with jimin but the younger would always give excuses and yoongi knows that this is happening because of him only.

Yoongi knocked in the door of jimin's cabin and went inside after hearing a come in.

After yoongi got inside, Jimin stood up  "sir? What happened? Why did you come here you could have called me" asked jimin being little confused by yoongi's arrival.

Yoongi went closer to jimin and said "jiminaah stop calling me sir sir I am getting irritated by this and now stop working lets go to that cafe which opened few days ago I heard it is very good"

"Umm I am not hungry sir I am mean hyu-ng you can go" said jimin. Yoongi sighed knowing jimin is saying this so to stay away from him. He put his shoulder around jimin and said "I know you are hungry And I won't take no so lets go"

Jimin sighed knowing he doesn't have any other option now. He was afraid that those three employees would bully him more seeing him going out with yoongi.

Yoongi and jimin were about to leave jimin's cabin with yoongi's hand around jimin's shoulder. Jimin stopped walking and said "umm. I want to use the washroom I'll come in 5 minutes" Yoongi said ok and jimin went to washroom.

Yoongi was waiting for jimin for the past 10 minutes but the younger still didn't come. Yoongi thought to check on him. He went towards the washroom. He was about to go inside but stopped on his track and his blood boiled in anger.

Jimin was leaning against the wall  and those three employees were again bulling him

He heard Max saying "how pathetic you are jimin even after all this insult you are still coming to the office I mean are you this desperate for yoongi sir or I can say your sugar daddy"

Yoongi widened his eyes hearing this. He wanted to go inside and beat the hell of those three but he wanted to know more so he stopped.

Jimin on the verge of tearing said "how many times do I have to say that he is my brother huh! Can't you understand at once"

They three scoffed and James said "so that means you are fucking around with your brother that's so disgusting man"

They three laughed and Jimin said "shut up.... just shut up I have been tolerating this for more than a week...if I am not telling about this to anyone that doesn't mean I can't...If I told it to yoongi hyung then you three are dead"

They three laughed sarcastically and lucas said in a mocking tone "aww now our jiminie will complain about us to his sugar daddy....huh! He can't do anything to us and moreover I am sure he won't even believe you because you are only a slut to Mr kim and sluts are used only to satisfy need after that people don't care about whatever happen with them"

Jimin slapped him and said "HOW DARE YOU TALK LIKE THAT HUH!"

Lucas grabbed jimin's collar and said "how dare you slap him huh! I see You got so many guts" he was about to slap jimin but was stopped by a hard punch. The punch was so hard that he fell down. Yes the person who stopped him was none other than yoongi.

Jimin widened his eyes seeing yoongi here.

"HOW DARE YOU TALK LIKE THAT TO MY BROTHER HUH!" Said yoongi while giving those three employees a very serious glare. His eyes were literally red with anger.

Hearing this those three employees gulped and max had the audacity to say "brother?....we didn't know that you both are brothers sir"

Yoongi slapped him and said "he told you that so many times....was he saying this in any other language huh! And even if we were not brothers, whatever we do is none of  your business"

Yoongi called guards and dragged them where many other employees were present and said in a loud angry voice "THOSE WHO ALL ARE INVOLVED IN JIMIN'S BULLYING OR ARE AWARE OF IT, COME FORWARD YOURSELF.... BECAUSE I HAVE MY WAYS TO KNOW IT AND IT WON'T BE GOOD FOR YOU"

Everyone present there gulped including jimin. He was getting sacred seeing yoongi's anger. Few people who were aware about it came forward and one girl said "only these three bullied jimin, we know about it we didn't bully him"

Yoongi glared at everyone and said "YOU ALL KNEW IT AND STILL DIDN'T BOTHER TO TELL ME OR ANYONE HUH!" He turned towards max James and Lucas and said "what were you saying that jimin is my slut"  he again turned towards everyone and said "SO FOR YOU KIND INFORMATION JIMIN IS MY BROTHER." everyone gasped hearing this. Now they were getting more sacred of yoongi.


Everyone looked down in shame. They were feeling ashamed of themselves for behaving like this with jimin.

I got time to write so I updated this.

120+ votes if you want another update today only

To be continued

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Stay tuned

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